41 god
comfortable, fair, good, healthy, long, lovely, marvellous, swell* * *adj[ godt!] good! fine! all right![ godt det ikke er mig!] rather you (, them etc) than me![ med sb:][ god aften] good evening;( uden omsvøb) in plain Danish;[ en god gerning] a good turn (, F: deed);[ af gode grunde] for very good reasons;[ hans gode hjerte løb af med ham] his kind heart got the better of him;[ af et godt hjerte] with all one's heart;[ en god engelsk mil] a good mile;[ en god time](dvs lidt over en time) a good hour;[ forbindelsen: det gode:][ for meget af det gode] too much of a good thing;[ være af det gode] be all to the good;[ med det gode]( venligt) in a friendly way,( med lempe) gently,( godvilligt) voluntarily;[ tage ham med det gode] use kindness;[ han skal tages med det gode] he is easier led than driven;[ med det gode eller det onde] by fair means or foul;[ det gode ved det] the good thing about it;[ med vb etc:][ hun gør meget godt] she does a lot of good;[ gøre det godt igen] make it up;[ det har du rigtig godt af] serves you right;[ du ville have godt af at gå en tur] a walk would do you good;[ du har ikke godt af kaffe] coffee is not good for you;[ have det godt], se godt;[ sige god for] vouch for, answer for;[ tale godt om] speak well of;[ det er godt at] it is a good thing that;[ det kan være meget godt men] that is all very well but;[ det er kun godt] that is all to the good;[ han er god nok] he is all right,(dvs ærlig, T) he is on the level;[ han er ikke god nok til hende] he is not good enough for her;[ den er god nok!]T that is all right![ det er godt nok men] that's all very well but;[ er det så godt?](dvs er du tilfreds) are you satisfied now?[ så er det godt!](dvs hold op) that's enough! stop that!T give it a rest!S cut it out![ være så god at] be so good as to, be kind enough to;[ vær så god!]når man rækker noget, kan siges, for at vække modtagerensopmærksomhed:) here you are, sir (, madam),( tjener siger:) thank you;( opfordring til at komme ind til bordet) dinner (, breakfast etc) is ready;( til gæster også) would you like to come in to dinner (etc)?( opfordring til at forsyne sig) do help yourself;( når man giver lov til noget) you are welcome, all right,(dvs ja endelig) by all means;( kom ind) (please) come in;[ vær så god at tage plads] please take a seat; please (el. do) sit down;[ med præp:][ have godt af], se ovf: det har du rigtig godt af;[ hvad skal det gøre godt for?] what is that in aid of? what is the use?[ godt for gigt] good for rheumatism;[ han er god for beløbet] he is good for the amount;[ intet er så galt at det ikke er godt for noget] it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good;[ sige god for], se ovf: sige god for;[ god imod] good to, kind to;[ godt med penge] plenty of money;[ den er god med dig!] don't give me that![ have det godt med sig selv] be at peace with oneself;[ med det gode], se ovf;[ de er lige gode om det] one is as much to blame as the other;[ være god til at regne] be good at arithmetic;[ holde sig for god til at gøre det] be above doing it;[ for godt til at være sandt] too good to be true;[ gøre sig til gode med] regale oneself with;(fig) have something coming to one,(dvs at glæde sig til) have something to look forward to;[han har £10 til gode] there is £10 due to him; he has £10 owing to him, he has £10 to come;[ han har 50 p til gode hos mig] I owe him 50 p;[ han har en uges ferie til gode] he has a week's holiday due (el. to come);[ holde ham hans ungdom til gode] make allowance for his youth;[ det kom mig til gode at jeg havde] I benefited from having; -
42 Nachricht
f; -, -en1. (Meldung, Information): ( eine) Nachricht (a piece of) news Sg.; (Botschaft, Mitteilung) message; die Nachricht vom Erdbeben etc. (the) news of the earthquake etc.; eine gute / schlechte Nachricht good / bad news Sg.; Nachricht bekommen von hear from; die Nachricht bekommen, dass... be informed that..., receive news of s.o. oder s.th. (+ Ger.) jemandem Nachricht geben let s.o. know ( über + Akk about), inform s.o. (of); eine Nachricht hinterlassen leave a message2. Pl. (Nachrichtensendung) Radio, TV: news Sg.; in den Nachrichten in (TV on) the news; Nachrichten hören / sehen listen to / watch the news; wir bringen oder Sie hören jetzt Nachrichten now here is the news* * *die Nachrichtadvice; piece of news; news; message; information; communication; news item* * *Nach|richt ['naːxrɪçt]f -, -eneine Náchricht — a message; some news sing, a piece of news sing
die Náchrichten — the news sing (auch Rad, TV)
Náchrichten aus Politik und Kultur — news from the world of politics and culture
Náchrichten hören — to listen to the news
"Sie hören Náchrichten" — "this or here is the news"
das sind aber schlechte Náchrichten — that's bad news
wer teilt ihm diese unangenehme Náchricht mit? — who's going to break this unpleasant (piece of) news to him?
die letzte Náchricht von ihm kam aus Indien — the last news of him was from India
Náchricht erhalten, dass... — to receive (the) news that...
wir geben Ihnen Náchricht — we'll let you know
2) (= Bestätigung) confirmationwir sind bezüglich unserer Bestellung immer noch ohne Náchricht — we are still awaiting confirmation of our order
* * *(news or information given.) intelligence* * *Nach·richt<-, -en>[ˈna:xrɪçt]f▪ eine \Nachricht a news item▪ die \Nachrichten the news + sing vb▪ eine \Nachricht some news + sing vb, a piece of newsjdm \Nachricht geben to let sb knowgeben Sie uns bitte \Nachricht, wenn... please let us know when...* * *die; Nachricht, Nachrichten1) news no pl.das ist eine gute Nachricht — that is [a piece of] good news
ich habe keine Nachricht von ihm — (Brief usw.) I haven't heard or had any word from him
2) Plural (Ferns., Rundf.) news sing.* * *1. (Meldung, Information):eine gute/schlechte Nachricht good/bad news sg;Nachricht bekommen von hear from;die Nachricht bekommen, dass … be informed that …, receive news of sb oder sth (+ger)jemandem Nachricht geben let sb know (über +akk about), inform sb (of);eine Nachricht hinterlassen leave a messagein den Nachrichten in (TV on) the news;Nachrichten hören/sehen listen to/watch the news;Sie hören jetzt Nachrichten now here is the news* * *die; Nachricht, Nachrichten1) news no pl.das ist eine gute Nachricht — that is [a piece of] good news
ich habe keine Nachricht von ihm — (Brief usw.) I haven't heard or had any word from him
2) Plural (Ferns., Rundf.) news sing.* * *f.message n.news n.tidings n. -
43 übel
I Adj.1. (schlimm) bad; (scheußlich) horrible, nasty; (gemein) nasty; (moralisch verwerflich) unsavo(u)ry; ein übler Trick a nasty trick; üble Geschäfte shady dealings; übler Ruf bad reputation; ein übler Kerl umg. a nasty customer; er ist kein übler Kerl umg. he’s all right; übles Schimpfwort horrible swearword; Nachrede2. (unangenehm) unpleasant; in eine üble Lage bringen get into a nasty situation; ich bin in eine üble Sache hineingeschlittert I stumbled into a nasty situation; nicht übel umg. not bad; kein übler Gedanke umg. not a bad ideaII Adv.1. (schlecht, unangenehm) badly; übel riechen smell (awful), stink; ganz übel aus dem Mund riechen have really bad breath; das riecht / schmeckt gar nicht übel it doesn’t smell / taste at all bad; übel riechend foul smelling; Atem: foul2. fig. (schlecht, schlimm) badly; jemanden auf übelste Weise beschimpfen insult s.o. in a very unpleasant way; es bekam ihr übel it didn’t do her any good; es ging übel aus it turned out badly; übel beraten sein be badly advised; übel dran sein umg. be in a bad way; übel gelaunt bad-tempered, grumpy umg.; übel gelaunt sein vorübergehend: auch be in a bad ( stärker: foul) mood; übel gesinnt ill-disposed (+ Dat toward[s]); das klingt nicht übel umg. that’s not a bad idea; ich hätte nicht übel Lust, ihn anzuzeigen etc. I have a good mind to report etc. him3. (negativ, nachteilig) badly; etw. übel nehmen take s.th. amiss, take offen|ce (Am. -se) at; jemandem etw. übel nehmen längerfristig: hold s.th. against s.o.; das nehme ich ihm jetzt aber übel this is something I hold against him now; du nimmst es mir doch nicht übel, oder? you’re not offended, are you?; jemandem übel wollen be ill-disposed toward(s) s.o.; (jemandem schaden wollen) be out to harm s.o., have it in for s.o. umg.; mitspielen I 5, vermerken 2, wohl1 2, zurichten 2 etc.* * *das Übelwoe; evil* * *['yːbl]nt -s, -1) (geh = Krankheit, Leiden) illness, malady (old)2) (= Missstand) ill, evilein notwendiges/das kleinere or geringere Ǘbel — a necessary/the lesser evil
das alte Ǘbel — the old trouble
der Grund allen Ǘbels ist, dass... — the cause or root of all the trouble is that...
die Gleichgültigkeit ist die Wurzel alles or allen Ǘbels — indifference is the root of all evil
das Ǘbel bei der Sache — the trouble
3) (= Plage, Schaden) evilvon Ǘbel sein — to be a bad thing, to be bad
zu allem Ǘbel... — to make matters worse...
ein Ǘbel kommt selten allein (Prov) — misfortunes seldom come alone
* * *das1) (anything evil, eg crime, misfortune etc: London in the eighteenth century was a place of crime, filth, poverty and other evils.) evil2) (evil: I would never wish anyone ill.) ill3) (unpleasant, nasty or dangerous: ugly black clouds; The crowd was in an ugly mood.) ugly4) (rough and violent: It's a tough neighbourhood.) tough* * *<-s, ->[ˈy:bl̩]nt (Missstand) evil▶ zu allem \Übel to cap [or crown] it all▶ das kleinere [o geringere] \Übel the lesser evil▶ ein \Übel kommt selten allein (prov) misfortunes never come singly prov, it never rains but it pours prov▶ ein notwendiges \Übel a necessary evil▶ von \Übel sein to be a bad thing [or bad]▶ von \Übel sein, etw zu tun to be a bad thing to do sth* * *das; Übels, Übel1) (Missstand, Ärgernis) evilzu allem Übel — on top of everything else; to make matters [even] worse
2) (meist geh.): (Krankheit) illness; malady3) (geh., veralt.): (das Böse) evil no art.von od. vom Übel sein — be an evil
* * *A. adj1. (schlimm) bad; (scheußlich) horrible, nasty; (gemein) nasty; (moralisch verwerflich) unsavo(u)ry;ein übler Trick a nasty trick;üble Geschäfte shady dealings;übler Ruf bad reputation;ein übler Kerl umg a nasty customer;er ist kein übler Kerl umg he’s all right;2. (unangenehm) unpleasant;in eine üble Lage bringen get into a nasty situation;ich bin in eine üble Sache hineingeschlittert I stumbled into a nasty situation;nicht übel umg not bad;kein übler Gedanke umg not a bad ideaübler Geruch/Geschmack foul ( oder awful) smell/taste4.mir ist übel I feel sick;dabei kann einem übel werden it’s enough to make you sickB. adv1. (schlecht, unangenehm) badly;übel riechen smell (awful), stink;ganz übel aus dem Mund riechen have really bad breath;das riecht/schmeckt gar nicht übel it doesn’t smell/taste at all bad;übel riechend foul smelling; Atem: foul2. fig (schlecht, schlimm) badly;jemanden auf übelste Weise beschimpfen insult sb in a very unpleasant way;es bekam ihr übel it didn’t do her any good;es ging übel aus it turned out badly;übel beraten sein be badly advised;übel dran sein umg be in a bad way;übel gelaunt bad-tempered, grumpy umg;übel gesinnt ill-disposed (+dat toward[s]);das klingt nicht übel umg that’s not a bad idea;ich hätte nicht übel Lust, ihn anzuzeigen etc I have a good mind to report etc him3. (negativ, nachteilig) badly;jemandem etwas übel nehmen längerfristig: hold sth against sb;das nehme ich ihm jetzt aber übel this is something I hold against him now;du nimmst es mir doch nicht übel, oder? you’re not offended, are you?; → mitspielen A 5, vermerken 2, wohl1 2, zurichten 2 etc* * *das; Übels, Übel1) (Missstand, Ärgernis) evilzu allem Übel — on top of everything else; to make matters [even] worse
2) (meist geh.): (Krankheit) illness; malady3) (geh., veralt.): (das Böse) evil no art.von od. vom Übel sein — be an evil
* * *evil n. -
44 co
Ⅰ pron. 1. (w pytaniach) what- co to (jest)? what’s this/that?- co jest na górze? what’s upstairs?- co robisz? what are you doing?- co mi kupiłaś? what did you buy for me?- co się dzieje? what’s going on a. happening?- co ci po tym? what do you need it for?- o co chodzi? what’s the problem a. matter?, what’s going on?- w co się ubierzesz? what are you going to wear?- czego szukasz? what are you looking for?- czego on chciał? what did he want?- czego a. copot. chcesz w zamian? what do you want in exchange?- do czego służy ten guzik? what is this button for?- z czego jest ta koszula? what is this shirt made of?- czemu się tak przyglądasz? what are you looking at?- czym mam otworzyć tę puszkę? what shall I open this tin with?- czym żywią się wieloryby? what do whales feed on?- czym to się skończy? how will it (all) end?- o czym oni mówią? what are they talking about?- co to za maszyna? what’s this/that machine?- co to za kamień? what kind of stone is this?- co ty na to? what do you say a. think?- co u ciebie? how are you?, what’s new?, how’s life (treating you)?- co z tobą? źle się czujesz? what’s wrong (with you)?, don’t you feel well?- psa zabierzemy ze sobą, ale co z kotem? we can take the dog with us, but what about the cat?- co z tego? a. no to co? what of a. about it? pot.- co z tego, że kocha? so he’s in love, so what? pot.- co on, oszalał, żeby tyle forsy przepuścić! pot. he must be mad blowing all that money pot.- czego tam nie ma na strychu! there are all sorts of things in the attic- czym to on w życiu nie był! he’s done all sorts of things in life- co ty mi tu przyniosłeś? what on earth have you brought me?- po co a. na co? what for?- po co jedziesz do Krakowa? what are you going to Cracow for?- na co ci ten scyzoryk? what do you need this penknife for?- i na co wam to było? what did you have to (go and) do that for?- czego tam poszłaś? pot. what did you go there for?- czemu płaczesz? what are you crying for?- czemu nie? why not?- „idziesz z nami?” – „czemu nie” ‘are you coming with us?’ – ‘why not?’2. (w mowie zależnej) what- powiedz, co chcesz na śniadanie tell me what you want for breakfast- zapytaj go, co zrobił z nożyczkami ask him what he’s done with the scissors- dobrze byłoby wiedzieć, o co właściwie mu chodzi it would be good to know what he really wants- przysłuchiwał się, o czym rozmawiają he was listening in on their conversation- nie wiem, co to była za ryba I don’t know what kind of fish it was- nie rozumiem, po co tu przyszedł I don’t understand why he came here a. what he came here for- powiem mu jutro, co i jak I’ll tell him tomorrow what’s what- wiesz co?… (do) you know what?… pot., (I’ll) tell you what… pot.3. (w zdaniu podrzędnym zawężającym) that- wszystko to, co chciał zrobić everything (that) he wanted to do- mam coś, co cię zainteresuje I’ve got something that’ll interest you- nie zrobiłam nic, czego musiałabym się wstydzić I did nothing (that) I ought to be ashamed of- rób, co chcesz do what you want- czym była kiedyś łacina, tym stał się dziś język angielski what Latin was once, English is today- co jest naprawdę nieznośne, to myśl, że… what is really maddening is the thought that…- z czego będziemy żyć, to mój kłopot what we’re going to live on is my problem- co się stało, to się nie odstanie what’s done is done4. (w zdaniu podrzędnym rozwijającym) which- powiedział, że pożyczył mi pieniądze, co nie było prawdą he said he had lent me some money, which wasn’t true- zdał ostatni egzamin, czym bardzo ucieszył rodziców he passed the last exam, which made his parents very happy5. (ile, jak, jaki) as- on ma tyle samo wrogów, co przyjaciół he has as many enemies as he has friends- zatrudniamy tyle samo pracowników, co rok temu we employ as many people as we did a year ago- mam dwa razy tyle pracy, co ty I have twice as much work as you (have)- kapelusz tego samego koloru, co płaszcz a hat the same colour as the coat- mieszkam w tym samym domu, co on I live in the same building as he does- rodzice tyle go widywali, co na obiedzie his parents only saw him at dinner time6. pot. (kto, który) who- ktoś, co nigdy nie był w wojsku someone who has never been in the army- znam kogoś, co to chętnie zrobi I know someone who’ll be glad to do it- gdzie się podział ten chłopak, co u was mieszkał? what happened to the boy who used to live with you?- wiesz, co ty dla niego jesteś? do you know what you are to him?- ten młyn, co to w nim teraz jest hotel that mill that’s a hotel now7. pot. (dlaczego, w jakim celu) why- co się tak kręcisz? why can’t you sit still?- co tak wcześnie wstałaś? why did you get up so early?- coś taki wesoły? why are you so cheerful?, what are you so cheerful about?8. (w wyrażeniach emfatycznych) what (a)- co to za dureń z niego! what a clown he is! pejor.- co za niespodzianka! what a surprise!- nie masz pojęcia, co to za rozkosz! you’ve no idea what a delight it isⅡ praep. every- co dzień/sobota every day/Saturday- co dziesięć minut/dwa tygodnie every ten minutes/two weeks- przystawał co krok he stopped with each a. every step- co jakiś czas tu zagląda, żeby sprawdzić, co robimy he looks in every now and then to check on us- opuszczał co drugą stronę he was skipping every other pageⅢ adv. (bardziej) co ciekawsze fragmenty/książki some of the more interesting sections/books- co wytrwalsi zostali do końca sztuki only the most persevering stayed till the end of the playⅣ conj. (jak) as- (ona) pracuje w tej samej firmie co ja she works for the same company as me- ten sam/to samo co zawsze the same as always- taki sam jadłospis co przed tygodniem the same menu as a week ago- to już nie ten człowiek, co dawniej he’s not the man he used to be- jest równie inteligentny, co przebiegły he’s as intelligent as he is crafty- mogła mieć równie dobrze trzydzieści co czterdzieści lat she could just as well have been thirty as forty- co ciekawe/dziwne… what’s interesting/strange…- co gorsza… what’s worse…- co więcej… what’s more…Ⅴ part. pot. (jako równoważnik zdania) boisz się, co? you’re afraid, eh? pot.- ale ona urosła, co? she’s really grown, hasn’t she?- będziemy w kontakcie, co? we’ll be in touch, right? pot.- miłe dzieciaki, co nie? nice kids, eh? pot.- nie poznajesz mnie, co? you don’t recognize me, do you?- wszyscy gdzieś jadą na wykacje, a my co? everyone’s going somewhere on holiday, and what about us?- kto cię tu wpuścił, co? who let you in, eh? pot.- i co, zdałeś egzamin? well, did you pass (the exam)?- co ty, chcesz oberwać od ojca? you don’t want to get it from your father, do you? pot.- a ty co? dzwonka nie słyszałeś? what are you doing? – didn’t you hear the bell?Ⅵ co do praep. 1. (jeśli chodzi o) as for, as far as [sb/sth] is concerned- co do mnie, nigdy w horoskopy nie wierzyłem as for me, I’ve never believed in horoscopes- co do pańskiego artykułu… as for your article…, as far as your article is concerned…2. (w sprawie) regarding, concerning- mamy zastrzeżenia co do ostatniej partii towaru we have some reservations regarding the last consignment- jego uwagi co do nowelizacji ustawy his remarks regarding a. concerning the amendment of the law3. (pod względem) regarding, concerning- ustalenia co do zakresu prac details regarding a. concerning the scope of the work- druga co do wielkości partia polityczna the second largest party- dziesiąte co do wielkości państwo świata the world’s tenth largest state4. (dokładnie) to- co do godziny/dnia to the hour/day- o siódmej co do minuty at seven o’clock sharp- przyszedł punktualnie co do minuty he came a. arrived right on the dot pot.- oddał mi wszystko co do grosza he gave me back every single penny- powtórzyła wszystko co do słowa she repeated everything word for word- zginęli wszyscy co do jednego not one of them survivedⅦ co…, (to) … conj. 1. (ile razy) each time- co wstawał, robiło mu się słabo each time he got up, he felt faint- co otworzył gazetę, wszędzie o Iraku every time he opened a newspaper, there was something about Iraq- co strzelił, to chybił every time he fired, he missed- co wspiął się wyżej, to zsuwał się each time he climbed up, he slipped down again- co premiera, to sukces each new production is/was a success2. (dla podkreślenia) co praca, to praca work is work (after all)- co chłop, to chłop you can’t beat a man (about the place)- co głowa, to głowa you can’t beat good brains- co prawda, to prawda I’ll second that- co dyrektor, to nie zwykły robotnik a director’s not just any workerⅧ czym…, tym… conj. kryt. czym starszy, tym głupszy the older he gets, the more foolish he becomes- czym większy przywódca, tym groźniejszy jego upadek the greater the leader, the further he has to fall■ a co tam what do I care?, what does it matter?- chciała pokazać, co to nie ona she wanted to show what she was made of- co jak co, ale ciasto robisz pyszne say what you like, but you make delicious cake- czego jak czego, ale pieniędzy im nie brakuje whatever they’re short of, it’s not money- co najmniej at least- co najwyżej at most- co to, to nie! pot. that’s out of the question!; no way! pot.- co (proszę)? pot. (w odpowiedzi) what?- „Adam!” – „co?” ‘Adam!’ – ‘what?’- „jesteś tam?” – „a co?” ‘are you there?’ – ‘what do you want?’- co (takiego)? (wyrażające zdziwienie) what?, really?- goście dopiero co wyjechali the guests have not long gone, the guests have only just left* * *1. pron( w pytaniach) whatto drzewo, co rośnie koło domu — the tree that grows by the house
wspominał tych, co odeszli — he remembered those who had left
zdałem egzamin, co wszystkich zaskoczyło — I passed the exam, which surprised everybody
co się stało, to się nie odstanie — what's done cannot be undone ( w równoważnikach zdań)
rób, co chcesz — do what you want
co niemiara — in abundance, (pot: cokolwiek) anything
2. partjeśli co, daj mi znać — get in touch at the slightest thing
co najwyżej — at (the) mostco gorsza — what's worse, worse still
co więcej — what's more, furthermore
co chwila/krok — every lub each minute/step
co drugi/trzeci — every second/third
co do (+gen) — ( odnośnie do) as to, as for
3. conjco do mnie — as far as I am concerned, ( dokładnie) (exact) to
4. advco strzelił, to chybił — every time he shot he missed
(pot: dlaczego) why* * *copron.1. ( zastępuje rzeczowniki) what; rób, co chcesz do what you want; czego (znowu) chcesz? what do you want (now)?; zwł. z irytacją what is it that you want (now)?; co to będzie? (= co chcesz zrobić?) what is it going to be?, what'll it be?; (= co się stanie?) what'll happen?; po co? what for?; byle co anything; Bóg wie co God knows what; diabli wiedzą co only the Devil knows; co to, to nie I won't have that; jeszcze czego! anything else?, what('s) next?; bądź co bądź anyway; w czym rzecz what's the matter; w razie czego (just) in case, if need(s) be; jak przyjdzie co do czego when the chips are down; nie ma co! there is no point; co komu do tego? it is none of anybody's business, why should it be anyone's business?, why should they care?; co mi tam! I don't care, I couldn't care less, who cares?; co będzie, to będzie happen what may; będzie co ma być what is to be, will be; what must be, must be; what will be, will be; co było, a nie jest, nie pisze się w rejestr let bygones be bygones; co z oczu, to z serca out of sight, out of mind; co się stało, to się nie odstanie what's been done cannot be undone, let bygones be bygones; co za dużo, to niezdrowo too much of a good thing, too much breaks the bag; co się odwlecze, to nie uciecze there is luck in leisure; co ma wisieć, nie utonie he that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned, if you're born to be hanged then you'll never be drowned; co nagle, to po diable haste makes waste; czym chata bogata, tym rada what's mine is yours; co ma piernik do wiatraka what do these two things have in common?, it is quite beside the point.2. (jako zaimek względny, głównie w pytaniach i zdaniach złożonych) co tchu at full l. top speed, in all haste; tyle, co kot napłakał next to nothing; co do grosza not a penny less, not a penny more; tyle pomoże, co umarłemu kadzidło it won't do any good, it won't help at all.conj.( rozpoczyna zdanie podrzędne) which.part.1. ( wyraża powtarzalność) every; co krok every step; co godzina/co chwila/co miesiąc/co roku every hour/every moment/every month/every year; co prawda admittedly; co prawda, to prawda you're right; co rusz every moment, every time; na co dzień every day; co i raz pot. every moment, every time; co kraj, to obyczaj every country has its customs; every land has its own law; so many countries, so many customs.2. ( wzmacnia przysłówki) what, still; co gorsza what's worse, worse still; co więcej what's more; co dwie głowy, to nie jedna two heads are better than one.3. (wyraża pytanie o przyczynę, cel) why; co się tak długo zastanawiasz? why have you been dwelling on it so long?The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > co
45 gut;
besser, am bestenI Adj.1. good; Wetter: auch fine; Qualität, Wein etc.: auch fine; Stoff: auch good-quality; sehr gut! very good!; gut so! good!, well done!; gut finden like; gutes Geschäft für Verkäufer: good business; für Käufer: bargain; aus guter Familie stammen come from a good family; ein gutes Ende nehmen turn out well ( oder all right); sie spricht ( ein) gutes Englisch she speaks good English, she speaks English well; er ist ein guter Läufer he’s a good runner, he’s good at running; er ist kein besonders guter Tänzer he’s not much of a dancer2. (akzeptabel, in Ordnung) good, all right, okay umg.; (richtig) right; (angebracht) fit, proper; für gut befinden think s.th. to be good ( oder a good thing); gut und richtig sein be right and proper; das ist ja gut und schön, aber... that’s all very well, but...; noch gut sein be still good; Kleidung: auch be still wearable; Nahrung: auch be still fit to eat; nicht mehr gut sein Lebensmittel: have gone off (bes. Am. bad); Milch: have gone off ( oder sour), have turned sour; ganz gut (recht gut) not bad; das ist ganz oder auch gut so that’s all right; ( wieder) gut werden (heilen) get better; (in Ordnung kommen, gelingen) turn out all right oder well; es wird schon wieder gut it’ll all work out in the end; er hielt es für gut zu schweigen he thought it better ( oder wise) to say nothing3. (körperlich wohl) well; mir ist nicht gut oder ich fühle mich nicht gut I don’t feel well; ist dir jetzt wieder gut? are you better now?; ist dir nicht gut? don’t you feel well?; (du bist wohl verrückt!) are you sure you’re all right?4. meist gesprochen: ( wie) gut, dass oder es ist ganz gut, dass... it’s a good thing that...; ( es ist) nur gut, dass... a good thing (that)...; also oder nun gut! all right (then)!; schon gut! all right!; auf Entschuldigung: auch it’s no problem; verärgert, nachgebend: auch okay, okay; (es genügt) auch that’ll do; (lass nur) auch just leave it; jetzt ist es aber gut oder und damit gut! umg. that’ll do!; lass (es) gut sein ( für dieses Mal) let’s leave it at that (for now); so was ist immer gut umg. that’s always useful6. (wirksam) Mittel etc.: good (für, gegen for); wofür oder wozu soll das gut sein? what’s that for (umg. in aid of)?7. (brav, edel, freundlich etc.) good; gut zu jemandem sein be good to s.o.; ein gutes Herz haben fig. have a good heart; gegen die guten Sitten verstoßen offend against good manners; eine gute Tat a good deed; mit etwas gutem Willen with a bit of good will; ( bitte) sei so gut und... do me a favo(u)r and..., will you?; wärst du bitte mal so gut, mir zu helfen? would you be so kind ( oder good) as to help me?; bist du mir wieder gut? (are we) friends again?; sie ist viel zu gut (für diese Welt / für ihn) she is much too good (for this world / for him); dafür ist er sich zu gut he thinks he’s above that sort of thing, he thinks it would be beneath him ( oder his dignity); jetzt kommst du dir wohl gut vor? ärgerlich: I suppose you think you’re so good ( oder clever); du bist ( vielleicht) gut! iro. I like that!; (das soll wohl ein Witz sein) you must be joking!; Gut und Böse unterscheiden können be able to tell right from wrong; jenseits9. in Grüßen, Wünschen: good; guten Abend! good evening; guten Tag! good day (bzw. afternoon); gutes neues Jahr! happy new year!; auf gute Nachbarschaft! here’s to good neighbourliness (Am. neighbors)!; Appetit, Besserung, Fahrt etc.10. in Anreden: good; guter Freund my dear fellow; so geht das aber nicht, gute Frau altm. that’s not the right way to go about it, dear lady11. (Ggs. knapp) Meter, Pfund, Stunde etc.: good; ein gut(er) Teil a good part; das hat noch gute Weile there’s still plenty of time for that; ich war schon ein gutes Stück gegangen / noch ein gutes Stück entfernt I had already walked a good distance / was still a good way away12. so gut wie virtually, practically, as good as; so gut wie unmöglich virtually impossible; der Prozess ist so gut wie gewonnen as good as won; so gut wie fertig virtually ( oder more or less) finished; so gut wie nichts next to nothing13. gut sein für (ausreichen für) be enough for; sie ist immer für einen Witz gut she’s always good for a laugh14. zu guter Letzt finallyII Adv.1. mit Verb; hören, sehen etc.: well; riechen, schmecken etc.: good; das fängt ja gut an! that’s a great start; gut aussehen look good; Person, grundsätzlich: be good-looking; gesundheitlich: look well; siehe 2; es gefällt mir gut I like it (very much); gut gehen (gut verlaufen) go well, turn out all right; das konnte nicht gut gehen it was bound to go wrong; das kann ja nicht gut gehen! there’s no way it’s going to work; wenn das nur gut geht! well, let’s just hope for the best; das ist noch einmal gut gegangen that was close ( oder a close thing), talk about lucky umg.; mir geht’s gut I’m fine; geschäftlich etc.: I’m doing fine; es sich (Dat) gut gehen lassen have a good time, enjoy o.s.; siehe 2; dort hatte er es gut he was doing all right (for himself) there; du hast’s gut! it’s all right for some, you don’t know how lucky you are; da kennt sie sich gut aus she knows all about that; in einem Ort: she really knows her way around there; etw. gut können be good at s.th.; sie spielt gut Golf she’s good at golf; es mit jemandem gut meinen have s.o.’s interests at heart, mean well by s.o.; jemandem / etw. gut tun do s.o. / s.th. good; jemandem oder bei einer Sache gut be good for; sehr gut tun do a lot of good; das tut gut! that’s just what I need, that feels good; bei Erleichterung: that’s better; stärker: what a relief; das tut ihm gut! auch iro. he could do with that; jemandem nicht gut tun Arznei etc.: disagree with s.o.; das tut deinem Magen nicht gut it’s no good for your stomach, it won’t do your stomach any good; er täte gut daran zu gehen it would be a good idea if he went2. mit Partizip oder Adj.: gut aussehend good-looking, attractive; gut besetzt Stück: well-cast; Haus: full; gut besucht Vorstellung etc.: well-attended; gut betucht umg. well-heeled; gut bezahlt oder dotiert well-paid; gut erhalten in good condition; von alten Dingen: well-preserved; gut geartet good-natured; gut gebaut Haus: well-made; Person: well-built; gut gefedert Auto etc.: well-sprung; gut gehend Geschäft etc.: flourishing, thriving; Ware: popular,... that is selling well; gut gelaunt in a good mood; gut gemeint well-meant; gut gepflegt well-looked-after, Am. auch well taken care of; gut gesinnt well-meaning; gut situiert well-off, well-to-do, moneyed; ein gut sitzender Anzug a well-fitting suit, a suit that fits properly; wie aus gut unterrichteten Kreisen verlautet according to well-informed sources; er ist ein gut verdienender Mann he earns a good ( oder decent) salary; gut verträglich Medikament etc.:... with no side effects, mild-acting; (hautverträglich) gentle, gentle-action...; (allergiegetestet) hypoallergenic3. (leicht, mühelos) easily; nicht gut (eigentlich nicht) not... very well; das Auto fährt sich gut the car is easy to drive; das Buch liest sich gut the book is a good read; du hast gut reden / lachen you can talk / laugh ( oder you may well laugh); hinterher kann man immer gut reden it’s easy with hindsight, hindsight is always 20 / 20; das kann gut sein oder es ist gut möglich that’s quite possible, that may well be; ich kann ihn nicht gut darum bitten I can’t very well ( oder can’t really) ask him; so weit, so gut so far so good4. gut ( und gern ) (mindestens) at least, easily; gut ein Drittel / die Hälfte at least a third / half; er ist gut zwei Meter groß he’s a good two met|res (Am. -ers) tall; besser, best..., Gute1, Gute2, zugute -
46 da|ć
pf — da|wać impf (dam — daję) Ⅰ vt 1. (przekazać, darować) to give- dać komuś coś to give sth to sb, to give sb sth- dać napiwek to give a tip- dać zaliczkę to leave a. put down a deposit- na urodziny rodzice dali mi encyklopedię my parents gave me an encyclopedia for my birthday- dała mi to zdjęcie na pamiątkę she gave me this photo as a memento- dał nam paczkę dla ojca he gave us a parcel for Father a. our father- prosiłam, ale nie dał mi ani grosza I asked him, but he didn’t give me a penny- w zamian za pocztówki dał mi serię znaczków in exchange for the postcards he gave me a series of stamps- dużo/wszystko bym dał za pewność, że sprawa zostanie załatwiona I’d give a lot/anything to be sure that things will be settled okay- dać z siebie wszystko to do one’s utmost, to give one’s all2. (podać) to give, to pass- daj mi rękę give me your hand- daj (mi) gazetę/nożyczki/sól pass (me) the newspaper/scissors/salt- daj mi chleb (całość) pass (me) the loaf, will you?- daj mi chleba (trochę) pass me some bread, will you?- lekarz dał mi antybiotyki pot. the doctor gave me some antibiotics- dać komuś zastrzyk pot. to give sb an injection- dawać przykłady to give examples3. (udostępnić) to give- dać komuś swój adres/telefon to give sb one’s address/phone number- dać komuś kwaterę to give sb a room- dać komuś nocleg to give sb a room for the night- ojciec dał mi samochód na cały dzień Dad let me have the car for the whole day- dać komuś jeść/pić to give sb something to eat/drink4. (umożliwić) to give- dać komuś okazję do czegoś to give sb a chance a. opportunity to do sth- dać komuś pracę to give sb a job- studia dają możliwość lepszej pracy higher education gives you the chance of a better job- to stanowisko daje pewne przywileje the post gives you a. offers certain privileges- jej zachowanie dało powód do wielu plotek her behaviour gave rise to many rumours- festiwal daje (artystom) okazję wybicia się the festival gives artists the chance to make a name for themselves- biegacz nie dał szans rywalom the runner didn’t give his rivals a chance- dałem jej czas do namysłu I gave her some time to think it over- dane mi było współpracować z wielkimi aktorami książk. I had the opportunity of working with some outstanding actors- nie dane mu było zaznać spokoju książk. he was never to know peace5. (udzielić) give- dać komuś awans/rozwód to give sb (a) promotion/a divorce- dać komuś błogosławieństwo to bless sb, to give sb one’s blessing- dać komuś dymisję to dismiss sb- dawać lekcje/korepetycje to give (private) lessons a. tuition- dać komuś naganę to reprimand sb- dać komuś odpowiedź to give sb one’s a. an answer- muszę dać odpowiedź w ciągu trzech dni I have to give my answer within three days- dać komuś ślub to marry sb- sędzia dał im łagodny wyrok the judge gave them a light sentence- dać komuś imię/przezwisko to give sb a name/nickname- dać dziecku (na) imię Edward to give a child the name (of) Edward6. (oddać) to take- dać bieliznę pościelową do pralni to take a. send the bed linen to the laundry- dać buty do szewca to take one’s shoes to the cobbler’s a. a shoe repair shop- dać samochód do warsztatu to take one’s car to a garage- dać ogłoszenie do prasy to put an advert in the paper- dać dziecko do prywatnej szkoły pot. to send a child to a private school- nie dam dziadka do domu starców pot. I won’t put Grandad in a. send Grandad to an old people’s home7. (przynieść) to give, to bring [rezultat, wynik]- dać zysk to yield a. bring in a profit- leczenie nie dało efektu the treatment didn’t produce the desired effect- dawać komuś przyjemność to give sb pleasure- praca z dziećmi dała jej dużo satysfakcji working with children gave her a lot of satisfaction- dać komuś wiedzę/wyobrażenie o czymś to give sb knowledge/an idea of sth- dwa plus dwa daje cztery two plus two makes a. equals four- to nic nie daje a. da that’s no use a. good- dyskusja z nim nic nie da talking to him won’t do any good8. (wystąpić) to give [koncert, wykład, przedstawienie]- piłkarze dali pokaz nieudolności the footballers gave a display of incompetence- nauczyciel religii dawał nam same dobre stopnie the religion teacher gave us all good marks- za referat daję ci szóstkę I’m giving you an A for your talk in class- za ten skok sędziowie nie dadzą jej dużo punktów the judges won’t give her many points for that jump- jurorzy jednomyślnie dali mu pierwszą lokatę the judges unanimously awarded him first place- krowy dają mleko cows give milk- ogień daje dużo ciepła fire gives out a. off a lot of heat- drzewo dawało przyjemny cień the tree gave us some pleasant shade- tu damy stół, a tam fotel we’ll put the table here and the armchair there- spis treści damy na początku we’ll put the table of contents at the front- na dno garnka dajemy trochę oleju we put a little oil in the bottom of the saucepan- sklepikarka daje mi na kredyt the shopkeeper sells me things on credit- w tym sklepie dają telewizory na raty in this shop you can get TV sets on hire purchase- dać dźwignię do przodu/tyłu to move a lever forwards/backwards- daj trochę w tył move (it) back a bit- dał krok do przodu he took a step forward14. pot. (zapłacić) to give, to pay- ile dałaś za ten płaszcz? how much did you give a. pay for that coat?- dałeś za to więcej, niż było warte you gave a. paid more for it than it was worth- dają mu krocie za każdy obraz he gets a fortune for every painting- dać komuś łapówkę to bribe sb, to give sb a bribe- kto da więcej? (w licytacji) any advance on that?Ⅱ vi 1. (pozwolić) to let, to allow- dać komuś coś zrobić to let sb do sth, to allow sb to do sth- pies nie dał mi wejść the dog wouldn’t let me in- rodzice nie dali mi głośno słuchać muzyki my parents didn’t allow me to listen to loud music- nie przerywaj, daj mi powiedzieć do końca stop interrupting and let me finish what I’m saying- dał się prowadzić jak dziecko he allowed himself to be led like a child- a ja, idiota, dałem im się oszukać and I, like an idiot, let them trick me- jest ambitna i nie daje sobą kierować she’s ambitious and won’t let anyone control her- dała sobie obciąć/ufarbować włosy she had her hair cut/dyed2. (uderzyć) to give [sb] one pot.- dać komuś w twarz to give sb one in the face- nie wytrzymał i dał mu w zęby he lost his patience and gave him one in the teeth- jak to jeszcze raz ruszysz, dam ci po łapach if you touch that again, I’ll rap your knuckles3. posp. (o kobiecie) (odbyć stosunek) to sleep (komuś with sb); to give oneself przest. (komuś to sb)- dała mu/nie dała mu he had it off/didn’t have it off with her GB wulg.- daje, komu popadnie she sleeps around a lot pot.Ⅲ dać się — dawać się pot. 1. (można) to be possible- drzwi nie dają się otworzyć the door won’t open- tego nie da się przewidzieć that’s impossible to predict- tego nie da się wyjaśnić it can’t be explained- w oddali dał się słyszeć warkot samochodu the throbbing of a car’s engine could be heard in the distance- ile się da as much/many as possible- robić/jeść co się da to do/eat what one can- musimy uciekać, gdzie się da we’ll have to escape wherever we can- zadzwoń do mnie, jak się da give me a call if you can- jak tylko się da, to przyjadę if it’s at all possible, I’ll come- dokuczali jej jak się (tylko) da they annoyed her in every possible way- da się zrobić it can be done- czemu ma się nie dać? why shouldn’t it be possible?2. (poddać się) nie daj/dajcie się don’t give in a. up Ⅳ daj inter. (here,) let- daj, pomogę ci here, let me help you- daj, pozmywam/posprzątam here, I’ll wash up/clean up■ dałbym jej 40 lat I’d say she was 40- dać komuś lekcję a. nauczkę to teach sb a lesson- dać komuś przykład to set an example for sb- spotkajmy się, dajmy na to jutro let’s meet, say tomorrow- dajmy na to, że dostaniesz tę pracę suppose a. let’s say you do get the job- ja ci/mu dam! pot. I’ll teach a. show you/him!- jak się da, to się zrobi pot., żart. let’s see the colour of your money firstThe New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > da|ć
47 anfangen
(unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)I vt/i start ( mit with), begin, commence (with) geh.; anfangen zu (+ Inf.) start (+ Ger. oder Inf.), begin (+ Ger. oder Inf.); zu rauchen oder mit dem Rauchen oder das Rauchen anfangen start smoking ( oder to smoke), take up smoking; ein neues oder anderes Leben anfangen start a new life; fängst du schon wieder an? are you at it again?; beim Streiten: er etc. hat ( damit) angefangen! he etc. started (it)!; lass uns von vorn anfangen let us make a fresh start; das fängt ja gut oder heiter an! iro. that’s a great (way to) start; jetzt fängt alles wieder von vorn an! now it’s going to start all over again!II v/i (etw. ansprechen): immer wieder mit oder von etw. anfangen keep harping on about s.th.; immer wieder vom gleichen Thema anfangen keep harping on the same string, keep harping on about the same (old) thing; jetzt fang nicht schon wieder damit oder davon an don’t start going on about ( oder bring that up) that againIII v/t1. umg. (tun) do; etw. schlau anfangen set ( oder go) about s.th. cleverly ( oder well); das musst du anders / so anfangen you have to do it ( oder go about it) in a different way / like this; was wirst du morgen anfangen? what are you going to do (with yourself) tomorrow?; was wollen wir mit dem freien Tag anfangen? what shall we do on our day off?2. umg.: ich weiß nichts damit / mit ihm etc. anzufangen I don’t know what to do with it / him etc.; (verstehe es nicht) I can’t make heads or tails of it; ich kann damit / mit ihm etc. nichts anfangen auch it’s useless / he etc. is hopeless; (mag es/ihn etc. nicht) it’s not my cup of tea / we have absolutely nothing in common, he’s etc. not my type; damit / mit ihm etc. ist nichts anzufangen it’s useless / he’s hopeless; mit dir ist heute ja nichts anzufangen umg. you’re a dead loss today, you’re just not with it today; was soll ich damit anfangen? what am I meant to do with it?* * *to begin; to start; to commence; to start off; to set off* * *ạn|fan|gen sep1. vt1) (= beginnen) Arbeit, Brief, Gespräch to start, to begin; (inf = anbrauchen) neue Tube etc to start, to begin; Streit, Verhältnis, Fabrik to startdas musst du anders anfangen — you'll have to go about it differently
was soll ich damit anfangen? — what am I supposed to do with that?
nichts mit sich/jdm anzufangen wissen — not to know what to do with oneself/sb
mit dir ist heute ( aber) gar nichts anzufangen! — you're no fun at all today!
2. vito begin, to startdu hast angefangen! — you started!; (bei Streit) you started it!
das fängt ja schön or heiter an! (iro) — that's a good start!
jetzt fängt das Leben erst an — life is only just beginning
fang nicht wieder davon or damit an! — don't start all that again!, don't bring all that up again!
klein/unten anfangen — to start small/at the bottom
er hat als kleiner Handwerker angefangen — he started out as a small-time tradesman
* * *1) (firstly: There are many reasons why I don't like her - to begin with, she doesn't tell the truth.) to begin with3) (to start or engage in: She embarked on a new career.) embark on4) (to start in: She entered his employment last week.) enter5) (to get started: If you want to finish that job you'd better get going.) get going6) (to begin: He starts working at six o'clock every morning; She started to cry; She starts her new job next week; Haven't you started (on) your meal yet?; What time does the play start?) start* * *an|fan·genI. vt1. (beginnen)▪ etw \anfangen to begin [or start] sth▪ etw [mit jdm] \anfangen to start [up] sth [with sb]er fing ein Gespräch mit ihr an he started [or struck up] a conversation with her, he started talking to hersie fangen das Essen immer mit einem Gebet an they always say grace before eating [or start a meal by saying graceeine Packung Kekse/ein Glas Marmelade \anfangen to start a [new [or fresh]] packet of biscuits/jar of jam3. (machen)etw anders \anfangen to do sth differently [or a different way]etw richtig \anfangen to do sth correctly [or in the correct manner]wenn Sie es richtig \anfangen if you go about it correctlyetwas mit etw/jdm \anfangen können (fam) to be able to do sth with sth/sbjd kann mit etw/jdm nichts \anfangen (fam) sth/sb is [of] no use to sb, sth/sb is no good to sbdamit kann ich doch gar nichts \anfangen! that's no good at all to me!; (verstehen) that doesn't mean anything to mewas soll ich damit \anfangen? what am I supposed to do with that?mit jdm ist nichts anzufangen nothing can be done with sbmit ihr kann ich nichts \anfangen she's not my typenichts mit sich anzufangen wissen to not know what to do with oneselfII. vi1. (den Anfang machen)bevor der Sturm so richtig anfängt before the storm really gets going fam3. (seine Karriere beginnen)▪ [als etw] \anfangen to start out [as sth]* * *1.unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) begin; starter hat ganz klein/als ganz kleiner Angestellter angefangen — he started small/started [out] as a minor employee
mit etwas anfangen — start [on] something
fang nicht wieder damit an! — don't start [all] that again!
anfangen, etwas zu tun — start to do something
es fängt an zu schneien — it's starting or beginning to snow
angefangen bei od. mit od. von... — starting or beginning with...
er hat angefangen — (mit dem Streit o. ä.) he started it
3) (eine Stelle antreten) start2.unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) begin; start; (anbrechen) start2) (machen) dodamit kann ich nichts/nicht viel anfangen — that's no/not much good to me; (das verstehe ich nicht/kaum) that doesn't mean anything/much to me
kannst du noch etwas damit anfangen? — is it any good or use to you?
* * *anfangen (irr, trennb, hat -ge-)A. v/t & v/i start (mit with), begin, commence (with) geh;anderes Leben anfangen start a new life;fängst du schon wieder an? are you at it again?; beim Streiten:er etchat (damit) angefangen! he etc started (it)!;lass uns von vorn anfangen let us make a fresh start;heiter an! iron that’s a great (way to) start;B. v/i (etwas ansprechen):von etwas anfangen keep harping on about sth;immer wieder vom gleichen Thema anfangen keep harping on the same string, keep harping on about the same (old) thing;C. v/t1. umg (tun) do;das musst du anders/so anfangen you have to do it ( oder go about it) in a different way/like this;was wirst du morgen anfangen? what are you going to do (with yourself) tomorrow?;was wollen wir mit dem freien Tag anfangen? what shall we do on our day off?2. umg:ich weiß nichts damit/mit ihm etcanzufangen I don’t know what to do with it/him etc; (verstehe es nicht) I can’t make heads or tails of it;ich kann damit/mit ihm etcnichts anfangen auch it’s useless/he etc is hopeless; (mag es/ihn etc nicht) it’s not my cup of tea/we have absolutely nothing in common, he’s etc not my type;damit/mit ihm etcist nichts anzufangen it’s useless/he’s hopeless;mit dir ist heute ja nichts anzufangen umg you’re a dead loss today, you’re just not with it today;was soll ich damit anfangen? what am I meant to do with it?* * *1.unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb1) begin; startdas fängt ja gut an! — (ugs. iron.) that's a good start! (iron.)
er hat ganz klein/als ganz kleiner Angestellter angefangen — he started small/started [out] as a minor employee
mit etwas anfangen — start [on] something
fang nicht wieder damit an! — don't start [all] that again!
anfangen, etwas zu tun — start to do something
es fängt an zu schneien — it's starting or beginning to snow
angefangen bei od. mit od. von... — starting or beginning with...
er hat angefangen — (mit dem Streit o. ä.) he started it
2) (zu sprechen anfangen) begin3) (eine Stelle antreten) start2.unregelmäßiges transitives Verb1) begin; start; (anbrechen) start2) (machen) dodamit kann ich nichts/nicht viel anfangen — that's no/not much good to me; (das verstehe ich nicht/kaum) that doesn't mean anything/much to me
kannst du noch etwas damit anfangen? — is it any good or use to you?
* * *v.to become v.(§ p.,p.p.: became, become)to begin v.(§ p.,p.p.: began, begun)to introduce v.to open v.to set off v.to start v.to start off v. -
48 hjælpe
4помога́ть* * *aid, assist, help, help out, minister, sustain* * *vb (hjalp, hjulpet) help,T lend a hand;(F, mere omfattende: støtte) aid;( i nød) relieve;( gavne) be of use, help,(F: især i nægtende udtryk) avail;( om lægemidler) be good ( imod for);[ det skal fedt hjælpe], se fed;[ så sandt hjælpe mig Gud] so help me God;[ han tror Gud hjælpe mig at...] he believes, so help me, that...;[ det hjælper ikke] it's no good (el. use) ( at græde crying);[ det hjalp altsammen ikke] it was no use; it was all in vain;[ det har ikke hjulpet mig] it has not done me any good,F I am none the better for it;[ hvad kan det hjælpe ( at prøve)] what is the good (of trying);[ man må hjælpe sig som man kan] one must help oneself as best one can; one must manage somehow;[ hjælpe sig med] make shift with, make do with;[ med præp og adv:][ hjælpes ad] do it between us (, you, them), help one another, join hands;[ hjælpe ham frakken af] help him out of (el. off with) his coat;[ hjælpe ham af med] rid (el. relieve) him of;[ hjælpe ham frem ( i verden)] help him to get on (in the world);[ hjælpe ham med at betale] help him (to) pay;[ det vil hjælpe med til at] it will help to ( fx clear up the matter),F it will contribute to (el. to -ing);[ hjælpe ham over gaden] help him to cross the street;[ hjælpe ham over vanskelighederne] help him to surmount his difficulties;[` hjælpe på] improve ( fx it will improve his understanding);[ hjælpe ham frakken `på] help him on with his coat, help him into his coat;[ han står ikke til at hjælpe] he is past help;[ hjælpe til løsningen af] help towards the solution of;[ hjælpe ham til en stilling] help him to get a job; -
* * *a.1) even; jöfn tala, even number;2) equal, the same; þínar (viz. ferðir) verða flestar jafnastar, thy doings are mostly the same, all equally bad; hann var ellefu vetra ok sterkr at jöfnum aldri, and strong for his age; jafn e-m, equal to one; jafnt er sem þér sýnist, af er fótrinn, it is just as it appears to thee, the leg is off; komast til jafns við e-n, hafa e-t til jafns við e-n, to equal one, be one’s match in a thing; at jöfnu, equally, in equal shares.* * *adj., also spelt jamn, f. jöfn, neut. jafnt, often spelt as well as proncd. jamt; compar. jafnari, superl. jafnastr: [Ulf. ibns, Luke vi. 17; A. S. efen; Engl. and Dutch even; old Fr. ivin; O. H. G. eban; mod. Germ. eben; Dan. jevn; Swed. jemn; akin to Lat. aequus by interchange of palatal and labial, see Grimm’s Dict. s. v. eben]:—even, equal, but, like Lat. aequus, mostly in a metaph. sense, for sléttr (q. v.) answers to Lat. planus; often followed by a dat., jafn e-u, equal to a thing, in comparison:I. equal, equal to; jöfn eyri (dat.) gulls, K. Þ. K. 72; jafn Guði, equal to God; jafn mér, passim.2. equal, the same; enda er jöfn helgi hans meðan hann ferr svá með sér, Grág. i. 93; ella er jöfn sök við hann fram á leið, 322; at ek verða jafn drengr í hvert sinn, Sd. 188; þínar verða flestar jafnastar, thy acts are mostly the same, i. e. all bad, Fms. viii. 409.3. fixed, unchanged; með jafnri leigu, jöfnum kaupum, jöfnum skildaga, Rétt. 2. 7, Stat. 264, Fb. ii. 137; hann var ellefu vetra eðr tíu, ok sterkr at jöfnum aldri, and strong for his age, Eg. 188, 592; eiga þeir jöfnum höndum (see hönd) allt þat er þeir taka, Grág. ii. 66.4. even, even-tempered; jafn ok úmíslyndr, Mar.: of numbers, jöfn tala, even in tale, equal, opp. to odda-tala, Alg. 356.II. neut. jafnt or jamt, almost adverbially, equally, just; jafnt utan sem innan, Grág. i. 392: as, just as, ok hafa eitt atferli báðar jamt, both together, both alike, Fms. xi. 137; jafnt er sem þér sýnisk (‘tis as it appears, indeed), af er fótrinn, Nj. 97; jafnt þrælar sem frjálsir menn, Fms. i. 113: jamt sem, just as, equally as; jafnt sem í fjórðungs-dómi, jamt skal eiga féránsdóm eptir fjörbaugs-mann sem eptir skógar-mann, Grág. i. 87; skal hann láta virða fé þat jamt sem úmaga-eyri, 189; menn skulu svá sakir hluta, jamt sem á alþingi, 122; jafnt hefir komit er þú spáðir, it has happened just as thou didst foretel, Niðrst. 8: ellipt., ok skal hann þá jamt (sem þeir) allri bót upp halda, Grág. ii. 182.2. temp. at the same time, just; ek skíri þik, ok nefna barn, í nafni Föður, ok drepa barninu í vatn um sinn jafnt fram fyrir sik, and dip the bairn each time info the water, K. Þ. K. 10: just, precisely, in the very moment, þat var jamt Jóla-aptan sjálfan er þeir börðusk, Fms. xi. 15; jamt í því hann stakaði. 133.3. adverb., at jöfnu, equally, in equal shares, Fms. xi. 131.4. til jafns, vóru þeir engir at né eina íþrótt hefði til jafns við hann, Nj. 46; halda til jafns við e-n, Ld. 40; komask til jafns við e-n, Fb. i. 261.B. COMPDS:I. such a, so … a; Karvel jafn-frægum dreng, so fine a fellow as K., Karl. 103; er þat skömm jafn-mörgum mönnum, ‘tis a shame for so many men, Gísl. 51: with the particle sem, jafn-ungr sem hann var, young as he was, i. e. so young as he was for his age, Vápn. 5; vel hafi þér mínu máli komit, jafn-úvænt sem var, Þiðr. 136; kvað þat ekki hæfa á jafn-mikilli hátið sem ( in such a feast as) í hönd ferr, Fb. i. 376; at eigi skyldi Hugon keisari yfir þá stíga jafn-reiðr sem hann varð þeim, Karl. 478; undraðisk hón hversu fríðr ok fagr hann var jafn-gamall maðr ( for his age), Stj. 225; mikill maðr ertú þó Þórir, jafn-gamall, Ó. H. 176; Þórir Oddsson var sterkastr jafn-gamall, Gullþ. 4.II. mod. phrases such as, það er jafngott fyrir hann, it serves him right; hann er jafngóðr fyrir því, it won’t hurt him; or honum er það jafn-gott, it will do him good, serve him right; vera jafn-nær, to be equally near, i. e. none the better; hann fór jafnnær, it was all of no use.III. in countless COMPDS (esp. adjectives) with almost any participle or adverb, rarely with verbs and nouns, and denoting equal, as, the same, as seen from the context often followed by a dat., e. g. jafn-gamall e-m, of the same age as another person:—of these compds only some can be noticed: jafn-aldri, a, m. one of the same age, Fms. i. 13, vii. 199, Bs. i. 179, Eg. 25, 84. jafn-auðigr, adj. equally wealthy, Band. 2: equally happy, hann setr hund sinn jafnaudigan okkr undir borði, Bjarn. 27. jafn-auðsær, adj. as perspicuous, Eluc. 41. jafn-auðveldr, adj. as easy, Ld. 78. jafn-ágætr, adj. as good, as noble, Nj. 129. jafn-ákafr, adj. as impetuous, Fms. xi. 137. jafn-beinn, adj. as straight, Sturl. i. 196. jafn-berr, adj. equally bare, Fas. i. 67. jafn-bitinn, part. evenly bitten or grazed, of a field, Gþl. 407. jafn-bitr, jafn-beittr, adj. as sharp, keen. jafn-bjartr, adj. as bright, Nj. 208: neut., Sks. 69. jafn-bjóða, bauð; j. e-m, to be a match for one, Finnb. 260: to be equal to, contest on equal terms with one, Fms. ii. 27, vii. 22; gripr betri en þeim peningum jafnbjóði, 655 xxx. 10. jafn-blíðr, adj. equally mild, Fær. 154. jafn-borinn, part. of equal birth, Ld. 332, Fms. x. 79 (v. l.), Gþl. 133; j. til e-s, having equal birthright to, Fms. vii. 8, x. 407. jafn-brattr, adj. as steep. jafn-brátt, n. adj. as soon, at the same moment, Hom. 114. jafn-breiðr, adj. equally broad, Edda 28, Gþl. 355. jafn-búinn, part. equally ‘boun’ or armed, Fms. ii. 165: ready, prepared, Stj. jafn-deildr, part. equally shared, Hom. 148. jafn-digr, adj. as stout, Sturl. iii. 63. jafn-djúpr, adj. as deep. jafn-djúpvitr, adj. as deep-scheming, Orkn. 214, Hkr. iii. 95. jafn-drengilegr, adj. as gallant, Ísl. ii. 446. jafn-drjúgdeildr, part. going as far, of stores, Sturl. i. 166. jafn-drjúgr, adj. keeping as long, Sturl. i. 216, Rb. 18. jafn-dýrligr, adj. equally splendid, Bs. i. 454. jafn-dýrr, adj. as costly, glorious, of the same price, K. Þ. K. 28, Nj. 56, Grett. 104 A, N. G. L. i. 150, 348. jafn-dægri, n. (mod. jafndægr), the equinox, both dægr (q. v.) being equally long, Edda 103, Rb. 454, 456, 472, and passim: equal length, of day and night, Fb. i. 539; see eykt. jafn-dæmi, n. equal judgment, justice, Fms. vi. 431, Pr. 413. jafn-dæmr, adj. just, giving equal judgment, Rb. 364. jafn-einfaldr, adj. as simple, guileless, Hom. 50. jafn-fagr, adj. as fair, Nj. 112. jafn-fallegr, adj. as handsome. jafn-fastr, adj. equally firm, Grág. i. 7, K. Þ. K. 166: as adv., Fms. x. 270, Finnb. 338. jafn-fáir, adj. as few. jafn-feigr, adj. as fey. jafn-feitr, adj. as fat. jafn-fimlega, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as alert, Fms. ii. 273. jafn-fimr, adj. as alert, Fær. 272, Hkr. i. 291, v. l. jafn-fjær, adv. as far. jafn-fjölmennr, adj. with as many men, Nj. 222. jafn-flatt, n. adj.; fara j., to fare so ill, Fms. vi. 379; see flatr. jafn-fljótr, adj. as swift. jafn-fram, adv. equally forward, side by side: with dat., jafnfram skipi Rúts, Nj. 8: locally, of places, over against, (= gegnt and gagn-vart, q. v.); with dat., er hann kom jafnfram Borgund, Hkr. ii. 309; j. Eiðsvelli, Vermá, Fms. ix. 408; j. gagntaki konungs sonar, j. boðanum, vii. 170, ix. 387 (v. l.): as adv., standa jafnfram, to stand evenly, in a straight line; standa allir j. fyrir konungs borðinu, i. 16, Eg. 581, Nj. 140, Rb. 466, Sturl. iii. 244: temp. at the same moment, of two things happening together, Fms. vi. 24; þeir riðu til þings jafnfram Skeggja, Þórð. 18 new Ed.; hann ferr ávalt jafnfram í frásogn æfi Guðs-sonar, follows parallel in the story, 625. 83: in equal share, taka arf j., Gþl. 248; at the same time, also, hugsa þat j., at the same time consider, Stj. 156; jafnfram sem, jafnfram ok, as soon as, Karl. 158, Pr. 413. jafn-framarla, -framar, -liga, adv. as forward, as far, just as well, Ld. 254, Bs. i. 778. jafn-frammi, adv. = jafnframt, Sks. 364, Sturl. i. 32: temp., Fms. iii. 218. jafn-framt, adv. = jafnfram, Háv. 42: temp., Sturl. i. 1: along with, with dat., Pass. viii. 9: equally, in the same degree, Ld. 62. jafn-fríðr, adj. as fair, Fms. i. 8: as valuable, K. Þ. K. 172. jafn-frjáls, adj. equally free, Fas. iii. 8. jafn-frjálsliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as freely, as liberally, Hkr. i. 78. jafn-fróðr, adj. as wise, as knowing, Sks. 544. jafn-frægr, adj. as famous, Fas. i. 277. jafn-frækn, adj. equally gallant, Edda. jafn-fullr, adj. as full, Grág. i. 20, 68, Gþl. 477. jafn-fúinn, adj. equally rotten, jafn-fúss, adj. equally willing, Sturl. i. 190. jafn-færr, adj. as able, Nj. 97. jafn-fætis, adv. on equal footing; standa j. e-m, Sturl. ii. 134, Hkr. ii. 153. jafn-gamall, adj. of the same age, Ld. 108, Fms. i. 60, xi. 96. jafn-geði, n. evenness of temper, Sks. 435. jafn-gefinn, part. equally given to, Fas. i. 268. jafn-gegnt, adv. just opposite to, Sks. 63, Fms. ix. 463; see gegnt. jafn-girnd, f. and jafn-girni, f. fairness, equity, Sks. 273, 639, Hom. 17. jafn-gjarn, adj. as eager, Hom. 19: as equitable, Sks. 355, Hom. 135, Karl. 495. jafn-gjarna (- gjarnliga), adv. as willingly, as readily, Fms. iii. 45 (v. l.), ix. 508, Stj. jafn-glaðr, adj. as glad, as cheerful, Eb. 88: neut., mér er ekki jafnglatt sem áðr, Fas. i. 106. jafn-glöggt, n. adj. as clearly, Bs. i. 352. jafn-góðr, adj. equally good, as good, Nj. 18, Eg. 54, Gþl. 233, N. G. L. i. 347, Dipl. v. 16: unhurt, none the worse, see (II) above. jafn-góðviljaðr, adj. with equally good will, Stj. 629. jafn-grannr, adj. equally thin. jafn-grimmliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as fiercely, Th. jafn-grimmr, adj. as fierce, Sks. 79. jafn-grunnr, adj. as shallow. jafn-gæfr, adj. as meek, Rb. 397. jafn-göfigr, adj. as good, as famous, Sturl. iii. 11, Bs. i. 133. jafn-görla, adv. as clearly, Grág. i. 299, Fms. ii. 171, Fas. i. 271. jafn-hafðr, part. equally used, N. G. L. i. 249. jafn-hagliga, adv. as skilfully, Krók. 53. jafn-hagr, adj. as skilful in handiwork, Nj. 147. jafn-harðr, adj. as hard, as severe, Nj. 79: neut. jafn-hart, as fast, Fas. iii. 488: jafn-harðan, adv. instantly. jafn-harðsnúinn, part. as hard-twisted, as tight, Nj. 79. jafn-hár, adj. as high, as tall, as loud, Rb. 112, 474, Fas. ii. 79: of metre, see hár (I. 3), Fms. vi. 386, Skálda 182, 190: neut., Stj. 79. jafnhátta-góðr, adj. as well-mannered, Ld. 174. jafn-heilagr, adj. as holy, as inviolable, Sks. 674, Grág. i. 90. jafn-heill, adj. as hale, as whole, Eg. 425, v. l. jafn-heimoll, adj. equally open to use, Eg. 47, Ld. 70, Gþl. 214, 353: equally bound, 57. jafn-heimskr, adj. equally stupid, Fms. ii. 156, Sd. 178. jafn-heitr, adj. as hot, Sks. 540. jafn-hentr, adj. as well fitted, Sturl. i. 196. jafn-hlær, adj. equally snug, Rb. 440. jafn-hollr, adj. equally sincere, Orkn. 166. jafn-hógværliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as meekly, Krók. 36. jafn-hógværr, adj. as gentle. jafn-hraustr, adj. as valiant, Fms. ii. 356, Krók. 51. jafn-hryggr, adj. as distressed, Hkr. iii. 269. jafn-hugaðr, adj. even-tempered, Sks. 24: of one mind, 300: as daring. jafn-hvass, adj. as sharp, Ld. 306: blowing as hard. jafn-hvatr, adj. as bold, as quick, Sturl. i. 112, v. l. jafn-hvítr, adj. equally white. jafn-hæðiligr, adj. (-liga, adv.), as ridiculous, Fas. iii. 91. jafn-hægr, adj. equally easy, ready, meek, Fms. ii. 106, Fær. 69, Grág. i. 264, ii. 257. jafn-hættr, adj. as dangerous, Sks. 540. jafn-höfigr, adj. as heavy, Rb. 102, Edda 38. jafn-ílla, adv. as badly, Fms. viii. 140 (v. l.), Ísl. ii. 181. jafn-ílliligr, adj. (-liga, adv.) as ill-looking, Fas. ii. 207. jafn-íllr, adj. equally bad, Grág. ii. 145, Fas. ii. 513. jafn-kaldr, adj. as cold, Sks. 215. jafn-keypi, n. an equal bargain, Fs. 25. jafn-kominn, part. on even terms, Sks. 455: neut. an even match, jafnkomit er á með ykkr, ye are well-matched, Nj. 59; hann kvað jafnkomit með þeim fyrir aldrs sakir, Fms. iii. 76; jafnkomnir til erfðar, with equal title to, Grág. i. 304; jafnkomnir til fyrir ættar sakir, Fms. i. 220; jafnkomnir at frændsemi, Ísl. ii. 315. jafn-kosta, adj. well-matched, good enough, of wedlock, Stj. 204. jafn-kostgæfinn, adj. equally painstaking, Bs. i. 681. jafn-krappr, adj. as straight, narrow; í jafnkrappan stað, in such a strait, Ld. 168. jafn-kringr, adj. equally dexterous, Sks. 381. jafn-kristinn, adj. a fellow Christian, Jb. 92, Barl. 44. jafn-kunnigr, adj. as well known, Grett. 162 A: knowing as well. jafn-kunnr, adj. as well known, Hom. 90. jafn-kurteis, adj. as courteous, Sturl. i. 165. jafn-kyrr, adj. as quiet. jafn-kýta, t, with dat. = jafnyrða. jafn-kænn, adj. as ‘cunning,’ as well versed, Stj. 561. jafn-kærr, adj. as dear, as beloved, Fms. i. 215, xi. 319. jafn-langr, adj. as long, equally long, Fms. xi. 376, Gþl. 350, 355, Ísl. ii. 219, Grág. i. 406, Edda 138 ( of the same length): neut., en ef þær segja jafnlangt, if they say both the same, Grág. i. 7. jafn-lágr, adj. equally low. jafn-leiðr, adj. equally loathed, Fms. viii. 240. jafn-leiki, n. = jafnleikit. jafn-leikit, n. part. an equal game, Fms. xi. 131. jafn-lendi, n. a level, even piece of ground, Eg. 584. jafn-lengd, f. ‘even-length,’ the return to the same time in the next day, week, month, year, etc.: of a day, til jafnlengdar annars dags, Grág. ii. 16, Stj. 49; þann sama dag tók Gormr konungr sótt, ok andaðisk annan dag at jafnlengdinni, Fms. i. 119, Fas. ii. 30, 37: of a year, anniversary, skal eigi brullaup vera fyrr en at jafnlengd, Grág. i. 311; tíu aurar sé leigðir eyri til jafnlengdar (a year’s rent), 390; at jafnlengd it síðasta, 487; eigi síðarr en fyrir jafnlengd, Fms. xi. 397; halda hátíð at jafnlengdum, Greg. 13, Hom. 98; jafnlengdar-dagr, 129, Fms. v. 214, Dipl. v. 8; jafnlengdar hátíð, an anniversary, Greg. 13. jafn-lengi, adv. as long, Grág. i. 423, Fms. iii. 9, MS. 732. 7. jafn-léttmæltr, adj. equally easy, just as pleasant in one’s speech, Fms. vii. 227. jafn-léttr, adj. as light, as easy, Sturl. iii. 90: neut. (adverb.), Kjartani var ekki annat jafn-létthjalat, K. liked not to speak of anything so much, Ld. 214. jafn-léttvígr, adj. as ready in wielding arms, Sturl. iii. 90. jafn-liða, adj. with an equal number of men, Eb. 144. jafn-liga, adv. equally, fairly; sýnisk mér eigi j. á komit, Bs. i. 531, Vm. 169; skipta j., Fb. ii. 300: perpetually, all along, always, usually, Fms. i. 191, x. 88, 89, Dipl. v. 8, Rb. 348, 472, Stj. 77. jafn-ligr, adj. equal, fair, Hkr. ii. 149, Háv. 57, Eg. 488; er þat miklu jafnligra, a more equal match, Fms. vii. 115. jafn-líkligr, adj. as likely, Sturl. iii. 7, Lv. 77. jafn-líkr, adj. as like, Lv. 58, Fas. ii. 478: equal, alike, j. sem hornspónar efni, Bs. i. 59. jafn-lítill, adj. as little, Fas. iii. 487. jafn-ljóss, adj. as bright, Bret. 62. jafn-ljótr, adj. as ugly, Fms. iv. 175. jafn-ljúfr, adj. as willing. jafn-lygn, adj. as ‘loun,’ as calm, of the wind. jafn-lyndi, n., fem. in Mar. 848; evenness of temper, Stj., Fagrsk. 132, Bs. i. 141, Mar. passim. jafn-lyndr, adj. even-tempered, Fms. vi. 287, viii. 447 (v. l.) jafn-lýðskyldr, adj. equally bound, as liegemen, Sks. 270. jafn-lærðr, adj. as learned. jafn-magr, adj. equally meagre. jafn-maki, a, m. an equal, a match, Sks. 22, 255. jafn-mannvænn, adj. equally promising, Þorf. Karl. 382. jafn-margr, adj. as many, Nj. 104, Grág. ii. 210, 403, Fms. i. 152, ii. 34. jafn-máttugr, adj. as mighty, Fms. ii. 157, Eluc. 6. jafn-máttuligr, adj. equally possible, 655 xxii. B. jafn-menni, n. an equal, a match, Ld. 132, Ísl. ii. 358, Fms. vi. 345, vii. 103. jafn-menntr, adj. of equal rank, Hrafn. 10. jafn-merkiligr, adj. equally dignified, Bs. i. 148. jafn-mikill, adj. as great, Grág. ii. 264, 403, Fms. i. 1, Gþl. 363: equally big, tall, Fms. x. 202, Nj. 11: neut. as much, Fms. vii. 240, Skálda 168. jafn-mildr, adj. as mild, as gracious, Rb. 366. jafn-minnigr, adj. having as good a memory, Bs. i. 681. jafn-mjúkliga, adv. as meekly, as gently, Lv. 50. jafn-mjúkr, adj. equally soft. jafn-mjök, adv. as much, as strongly, Grág. ii. 140, Skálda 168. jafn-myrkr, adj. equally dark, Skálda 209. jafn-mæli, n. fair play, equality, Fb. i. 407, Fms. vi. 206, Grág. i. 88, 200, Ld. 258, H. E. i. 247, Karl. 99. jafn-naumr, adj. as close. jafn-náinn, adj.; j. at frændsemi, equally near akin, Grág. i. 171, ii. 67, Eb. 124, Ísl. ii. 315, (jafnan, Ed.) jafn-nær, mod. jafn-nærri, adv. equally near: loc., er Ólafs mark j. báðum, Fms. vii. 64, 268, Sks. 63, 216: as near, at honum væri úvarligt at láta jafnmarga heiðna menn vera j. sér, Fms. ii. 34: equally near (by birth), i. 123: metaph., eigi hefir honum jafnnærri gengit újafnaðr þeirra sem mér, Sturl. iii. 238: also jafn-nær, adj. equally nigh, not a whit the better, see (II) above. jafn-nætti, n. the equinox, 673. 54, Stj. 15. jafn-oki, a, m. = jafnmaki, an equal, a match for one, Sks. 22: a play-fellow, Stj. 497, Þiðr. 213. jafn-opt, adv. as often, Nj. 211, Rb. 566, Grág. i. 186. jafn-ótt, adj., neut. as adv., at the same, time, immediately. Pass. 20. 2: one after another, taka e-ð jafnótt og það kemr. jafn-rakkr, adj. as strong, as straight, Ld. 168. jafn-ramr, adj. as mighty, as great a wizard, Vþm. 2. jafn-rangr; adj. as wrong. jafn-ráðinn, part. equally determined, Grett. 149. jafn-reiðr, adj. equally angry, Háv. 52. jafn-rétti, n. an equal right. jafnréttis-maðr, m. a man with equal right, N. G. L. i. 31. jafn-réttr, adj. as right, as lawful, Edda 93, Grág. i. 18: of equal authority, Hkr. iii. 79. jafn-réttvíss, adj. equally just, Sks. 670. jafn-rífligr, adj. (-liga, adv.), as large, Lv. 75. jafn-ríkr, adj. as rich, equally mighty. jafn-rjóðr, adj. as ruddy, Hkr. i. 102. jafn-rúmr, adj. equally large, Bjarn. jafn-ræði, n. an equal match, Fms. ii. 22, Glúm. 350, Nj. 49, Gþl. 215. jafn-röskr, adj. as brisk, as quick, Fms. iii. 225, vi. 96. jafn-saman, adv.; fyrir þessa hugsan alla jafnsaman, all at once, all together, Fms. i. 185, Ld. 326, Ó. H. 46, Stj. 86, 121, Barl. 191. jafn-sannr, adj. equally true, 671. 1, Edda 19, Stj. 471. jafn-sárr, adj. as sore, as smarting, Mar. jafn-seinn, adj. as slow. jafn-sekr, adj. just as guilty, Grág. ii. 64, 89. jafn-síðis, adv. along with. jafn-síðr, adj. as long, of a garment (síðr), Stj. 563. jafn-sjúkr, adj. as sick, Fms. v. 324. jafn-skammr, adj. as short, Al. 129. jafn-skarpliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as briskly, Nj. 199, v. l. jafn-skarpr, adj. as sharp, as keen. jafn-skipti, n. equal, fair dealing. jafn-skiptiliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), equally, mutually, Stj. 159. jafn-skiptr, part. equally shared. jafn-skjótr, adj. as swift, Fms. vii. 169, Rb. 454:—jafn-skjótt, neut. as adv. immediately, at once, Eg. 87, 291, 492, Fms. ii. 10; jafnskjótt sem, as soon as, Nj. 5, Barl. 176, Karl. 409, 441. jafn-skygn, adj. as clear-sighted, 655 xiii. A, Bjarn. 59. jafn-skyldliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as dutifully, Ver. 3. jafn-skyldr, adj. equally bound or obliged, Grág. ii. 362, 403, Gþl. 70, 477, Fms. vii. 274. jafn-sköruliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), equally bold, Nj. 199. jafn-slétta, u, f. even, level ground. jafn-sléttr, adj. equally level, Stj. 79: as easily, Fas. ii. 48. jafn-slægr, adj. as cunning, Fær. 99. jafn-snarpr, adj. (-snarpligr, adj., -liga, adv.), as sharp, Fms. vi. 156. jafn-snarr, adj. as alert. jafn-snart, adj., neut. as adv., as soon, instantly, Fas. iii. 434, Matth. xxvii. 48. jafn-snauðr, adj. as poor. jafn-snemma, adv. at the very same moment, of a coincidence, Eg. 425, Nj. 253, Fms. vi. 221; allir j., all at once, ix. 506, xi. 368 ( both together); vóru þessir atburðir margir jafnsnemma, en sumir litlu fyrr eðr síðar, Hkr. ii. 368. jafn-snjallr, adj. equal, Glúm., Bjarn. (in a verse). jafn-spakr, adj. equally wise, Hm. 53. jafn-sparr, adj. as saving, as close, Grág. i. 197, 222. jafn-sterkr, adj. as strong, Fms. i. 43. jafn-stirðr, adj. as stiff. jafn-stórlátr, adj. as proud, Ld. 116. jafn-stórliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as proudly, Ölk. 34. jafn-stórr, adj. as big, as great. jafn-stórættaðr, adj. of equally high birth, Fms. iv. 26. jafn-stríðr, adj. as hard, severe, Sks. 639. jafn-stuttr, adj. equally short, brief. jafn-syndligr, adj. as sinful, Sks. 674. jafn-sætr, adj. as sweet, Fb. i. 539. jafn-sætti, n. an agreement on equal terms, Nj. 21, Sturl. iii 253, Fb. i. 126. jafn-tamr, adj. equally alert. jafn-tefli, n. an equal, drawn game, Vígl. 32. jafn-tengdr, part. in equal degrees of affinity, Grág. ii. 183. jafn-tíðhjalat, n. part. as much talked about, Nj. 100. jafn-tíðrætt, n. adj. = jafntíðhjalat, Nj. 100. jafn-tíguliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), equally lordly, Fms. x. 109. jafn-títt, n. adj. as often, as frequent, Niðrst. 10. jafn-torogætr, adj. as rarely to be got, choice, Bs. i. 143. jafn-torsótligr, adj. as hard to get at, Fms. x. 358. jafn-trauðr, adj. as unwilling. jafn-traustr, adj. as much to be trusted, Fms. vi. 244. jafn-trúr, jafn-tryggr, adj. as faithful. jafn-undarligr, adj. (-liga, adv.), as strange, Sks. 80. jafn-ungr, adj. as young, Fms. iii. 60, iv. 383. jafn-úbeint, n. adj. as far from the mark, of a bad shot, Fms. viii. 140. jafn-úfærr, adj. as unpassable, Sturl. iii. 163. jafn-úhefnisamr, adj. as tame, Rb. 366. jafn-úráðinn, part. as irresolute, Grett. 153. jafn-úspakr, adj. as unruly, Sturl. ii. 63. jafn-útlagr, adj. having to lay out the same fine, N. G. L. i. 158. jafn-vandhæfr, adj. as dangerous to keep, treat, Grág. i. 89. jafn-vandliga, adv. as carefully, Grág. ii. 249. jafn-varliga, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as warily, Fms. vii. 127. jafn-varmr, adj. as warm, Sks. 217. jafn-varr, adj. as well aware, as much on one’s guard, Dropl. 28. jafn-vaskliga, adv. as gallantly, Fms. vii. 127, Ld. 272. jafn-vaskligr, adj. as gallant. jafn-vaskr, adj. as bold, Str. 3. jafn-vátr, adj. equally wet. jafn-veginn, part. of full weight, Stj. 216. jafn-vegit, n. a law phrase, used when an equal number has been slain on both sides, in which case there were no further proceedings, Glúm. 383, Fas. ii. 208. jafn-vel, adv. as well, equally well, Nj. 48, Eg. 111, Gþl. 354: likewise, hafa fyrirgört fé ok friði ok jafnvel óðals-jörðum sínum, 142; en þenna eið skulu jafnvel biskupar ábyrgjask við Guð …, jafnvel sem ( as well as) hinir úlærðu, 57; jafnvel af sænum sem af landinu, Al. 2; ok jamvel sendir jarl þeim mönnum orð, sem …, Fms. xi. 120: even, dögföll um nætr jafnvel at heiðskírum veðrum, Stj. 17; jafnvel eptir þat er þau misgörðu, 40; jafnvel sýniliga, j. oss önduðum, 9, Bs. i. 549, Barl. 170, 176, Gísl. 83; this last sense is very freq. in mod. usage. jafn-velviljaðr, part. as well wishing, Sks. 312. jafn-vesall, adj. as wretched, Krók. 54. jafn-virði, n. equal wirth, Bs. i. 9, Al. 48. jafn-vægi, n. equal weight, equilibrium, Hkr. ii. 250, Fas. i. 121; bóandi ok húsfreyja j. sitt, i. e. both of them equally, N. G. L. i. 6. jafn-vægja, ð, to weigh the same as another, Fms. iii. 120. jafn-vægr, adj. of equal weight, Sks. 644. jafn-vænn, adj. equally fine, handsome, promising, Fms. x. 429, Sturl. iii. 67. jafn-vætta, t, to weigh against, counterbalance, Stj. 13, Þorst. Síðu H. 14. jafn-yrða, ð, with dat. to altercate, bandy words, Sturl. iii. 213. jafn-þarfr, adj. as useful, Arnor. jafn-þéttr, adj. pressed as closely together. jafn-þjófgefinn, adj. as thievish. jafn-þolinmóðr, adj. as patient, Rb. 366. jafn-þolinn, adj. as enduring. jafn-þreyttr, part. as weary. jafn-þrifinn, adj. as cleanly. jafn-þröngr, adj. as tight. jafn-þungr, adj. as heavy, pressing, Fms. v. 264, Stj. 278. jafn-þurr, adj. equally dry. jafn-þykkr, adj. as thick, Hkr. iii. 159. jafn-þyrstr, part. as thirsty. jafn-æfr, adj. as impetuous. jafn-æstr, part. equally excited, Band. 34 new Ed. jafn-örr, adj. as eager, as liberal. jafn-öruggr, adj. as firm, steadfast. -
50 esperanza
f.hope (deseo, ganas).dar esperanzas a to encourage, to give hope tomantengo la esperanza de volver a verla I still hope to see her againperder la esperanza to lose hopetengo esperanza de que todo se arregle I have hopes that everything will be sorted outtener esperanza de hacer algo to hope to be able to do somethingesperanza de vida life expectancypres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: esperanzar.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: esperanzar.* * *1 hope, expectance\abrigar esperanzas to foster hopescon la esperanza de... in the hope of...con la esperanza de que... in the hope that...dar esperanzas a alguien to give somebody hopeestar en estado de buena esperanza to be pregnant, be expectingtener la esperanza puesta en algo to have one's hopes pinned on somethingtener muchas esperanzas to have high hopestener pocas esperanzas to have little hopeesperanza de vida life expectancy* * *noun f.hope, expectation* * *SF hopeya no abrigamos esperanzas de encontrarlo con vida — we no longer hold out any hope of finding him alive
con la esperanza de que... — in the hope that...•
dar esperanza(s) a algn — to give sb hope•
perder la esperanza — to lose hope•
poner la esperanza en algn/algo — to pin one's hopes on sb/sth•
tener esperanza en algo — to have hope for sth* * *femenino hopecifró or puso todas sus esperanzas en su hijo — he pinned all his hopes on his son
esperanza de algo — hope of o for something
ello suscita nuevas esperanzas de un acuerdo — that raises new hopes for o of a settlement
hay esperanzas de éxito — there are hopes that he/it/they will succeed
esperanza de + inf — hope of -ing
perdimos toda esperanza de encontrarlos vivos — we gave up o lost hope of finding them alive
tengo esperanzas de encontrar algo mejor — I hope to find o I have hopes of finding something better
esperanza de que: ya no abrigaba ninguna esperanza de que volviera (liter) she no longer held out any hope of him returning (liter); fue con la esperanza de que... he went in the hope that...; me dio esperanzas de que el niño mejoraría he gave me hope that the child would recover; alimentarse or vivir de esperanzas to live on hopes; qué esperanza(s)! (fam) you must be joking! (colloq); la esperanza es lo último que se pierde — we live in hope
* * *= hope, prospect.Ex. Some users hope that market forces will force some of the smaller hosts out of the marketplace, but with cheaper telecommunications and computing technology this seems something of a vain hope.Ex. At the time OCLC started, there was no prospect for a national authority file.----* abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.* abandonar (toda = abandon + (all) hope.* abrigar esperanza = foster + hope, cherish + hope.* albergar esperanza = hold out + hope, hold out + prospect, hold out + promise.* alentar la esperanza = foster + hope.* alimentar la esperanza = nurture + hope.* con esperanza = in hopeful expectation.* con la esperanza de = in hope(s) of, with the hope(s) of.* con la esperanza de que = in the hope(s) that, in hope(s) that.* dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.* dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.* dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.* destruir la esperanza = shatter + Posesivo + hopes.* devolver las esperanzas = a new lease of life.* en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.* esperanza de vida = life expectancy, lifespan [life span].* esperanza + estar = hope + lie.* esperanzas renovadas = a new lease of life.* esperanza vana = forlorn hope.* estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.* frustrar las esperanzas = shatter + Posesivo + hopes, dampen + Posesivo + hopes, dash + Posesivo + hopes.* guardar muchas esperanzas = get + Posesivo + hopes up.* hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.* mientras hay vida hay esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* ofrecer esperanzas = hold + promise.* perder esperanza = lose + hope.* perder la esperanza = despair, throw in + the towel, give up + hope, throw in/up + the sponge.* perder (toda = abandon + (all) hope.* rayito de esperanza = glimmer of hope.* rayo de esperanza = ray of hope, silver lining, the light at the end of the tunnel, glimmer of hope, beacon of hope, ray of light.* resquicio de esperanza = ray of hope, beacon of hope.* siempre queda una esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.* truncar la esperanza = dash + Posesivo + hopes, dampen + Posesivo + hopes.* un rayo de esperanza = a faint glimmer of light.* * *femenino hopecifró or puso todas sus esperanzas en su hijo — he pinned all his hopes on his son
esperanza de algo — hope of o for something
ello suscita nuevas esperanzas de un acuerdo — that raises new hopes for o of a settlement
hay esperanzas de éxito — there are hopes that he/it/they will succeed
esperanza de + inf — hope of -ing
perdimos toda esperanza de encontrarlos vivos — we gave up o lost hope of finding them alive
tengo esperanzas de encontrar algo mejor — I hope to find o I have hopes of finding something better
esperanza de que: ya no abrigaba ninguna esperanza de que volviera (liter) she no longer held out any hope of him returning (liter); fue con la esperanza de que... he went in the hope that...; me dio esperanzas de que el niño mejoraría he gave me hope that the child would recover; alimentarse or vivir de esperanzas to live on hopes; qué esperanza(s)! (fam) you must be joking! (colloq); la esperanza es lo último que se pierde — we live in hope
* * *= hope, prospect.Ex: Some users hope that market forces will force some of the smaller hosts out of the marketplace, but with cheaper telecommunications and computing technology this seems something of a vain hope.
Ex: At the time OCLC started, there was no prospect for a national authority file.* abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.* abandonar (toda = abandon + (all) hope.* abrigar esperanza = foster + hope, cherish + hope.* albergar esperanza = hold out + hope, hold out + prospect, hold out + promise.* alentar la esperanza = foster + hope.* alimentar la esperanza = nurture + hope.* con esperanza = in hopeful expectation.* con la esperanza de = in hope(s) of, with the hope(s) of.* con la esperanza de que = in the hope(s) that, in hope(s) that.* dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.* dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.* dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.* destruir la esperanza = shatter + Posesivo + hopes.* devolver las esperanzas = a new lease of life.* en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.* esperanza de vida = life expectancy, lifespan [life span].* esperanza + estar = hope + lie.* esperanzas renovadas = a new lease of life.* esperanza vana = forlorn hope.* estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.* frustrar las esperanzas = shatter + Posesivo + hopes, dampen + Posesivo + hopes, dash + Posesivo + hopes.* guardar muchas esperanzas = get + Posesivo + hopes up.* hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.* mientras hay vida hay esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* ofrecer esperanzas = hold + promise.* perder esperanza = lose + hope.* perder la esperanza = despair, throw in + the towel, give up + hope, throw in/up + the sponge.* perder (toda = abandon + (all) hope.* rayito de esperanza = glimmer of hope.* rayo de esperanza = ray of hope, silver lining, the light at the end of the tunnel, glimmer of hope, beacon of hope, ray of light.* resquicio de esperanza = ray of hope, beacon of hope.* siempre queda una esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.* truncar la esperanza = dash + Posesivo + hopes, dampen + Posesivo + hopes.* un rayo de esperanza = a faint glimmer of light.* * *hopeya no le queda esperanza alguna he has no hope leftno todo se ha perdido, todavía hay esperanzas all is not lost, there's still hopeno quiero darles esperanzas vanas I don't want to build your hopes up o to give you false hopehabía puesto todas sus esperanzas en su hijo he had pinned all his hopes on his sontú eres mi última esperanza you're my last hopeesperanza DE algo hope OF o FOR sthel encuentro suscita nuevas esperanzas de un acuerdo the meeting raises new hopes for o of a settlementhay esperanzas de éxito there are hopes that he/it/they will succeedesperanza DE + INF hope OF -INGhemos perdido toda esperanza de encontrarlos vivos we have given up o lost hope of finding them aliveno tengo ni la menor esperanza de ganar I don't have a hope of winningtodavía tengo esperanzas de encontrar algo mejor I still hope to find something better, I still have hopes of finding something bettermantiene la esperanza de volver a verlo she hasn't given up hope of seeing him againesperanza DE QUE:¿no hay ninguna esperanza de que se salve? is there no hope of her recovering o that she will recover?todavía tiene esperanzas de que se lo devuelvan he still hopes that they will return it to himya no abrigaba ninguna esperanza de que volviera ( liter); she no longer held out any hope of him returning ( liter)fuimos con la esperanza de que nos concediera una entrevista we went in the hope that he would agree to see usme dio esperanzas de que el niño mejoraría he gave me hope o he held out hope that the child would recoveralimentarse or vivir de esperanzas to live on hopesmás largo que esperanza de pobre or largo como esperanza de pobre ( RPl fam); ‹libro/discurso› really longla espera fue más larga que esperanza de pobre we had to wait a really long time o ( colloq) for agesla esperanza es lo último que se pierde we live in hopeCompuesto:life expectancy* * *
Del verbo esperanzar: ( conjugate esperanzar)
esperanza es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
esperanza sustantivo femenino
puso todas sus esperanzas en su hijo he pinned all his hopes on his son;
hay esperanzas de éxito there are hopes that he/it/they will succeed;
perdimos toda esperanza de encontrarlos vivos we gave up o lost hope of finding them alive;
fue con la esperanza de que … he went in the hope that …;
me dio esperanzas de que el niño mejoraría he gave me hope that the child would recover;
esperanza de vida life expectancy
esperanza sustantivo femenino hope: hay esperanzas de solución para el conflicto, there are hopes of a solution to the conflict
tengo la esperanza puesta en este proyecto, I have my hopes pinned on this project
esperanza de vida, life expectancy ➣ Ver nota en esperar
' esperanza' also found in these entries:
- concebir
- desesperada
- desesperado
- desesperarse
- esperar
- estado
- frustrar
- frustrarse
- gravedad
- rayo
- resquicio
- truncar
- abandonar
- abrigar
- alentar
- alimentar
- cifrar
- dar
- expectativa
- ilusión
- remoto
- renacer
- renovar
Cape of Good Hope
- cheer
- cherish
- crumble
- despair
- disappoint
- evaporate
- expectation
- flicker
- foster
- glimmer
- heart
- heighten
- helpline
- hope
- illusion
- inject
- instil
- instill
- little
- live up to
- ray
- revive
- shatter
- slight
- white hope
- expectancy
- straw
* * *esperanza nf1. [confianza] hope;la reunión ha suscitado nuevas esperanzas de una solución the meeting has given rise to new hopes of a solution;tengo esperanza de que todo se arregle I have hopes that everything will be sorted out;mantengo la esperanza de volver a verla I still hope to see her again;él es nuestra única esperanza he's our only hope;te queda la esperanza de que nadie se haya enterado you can only hope that o your only hope is that no one has found out;se dirigió a él con la esperanza de que le firmara un autógrafo she approached him hoping that he would give her his autograph;dar esperanzas a alguien to give sb hope;le dio esperanzas y él pensó que podría ser su novio she raised his hopes and he thought he could be her boyfriend;los médicos no nos han querido dar esperanzas the doctors haven't wanted to build up our hopes;no quiero darles falsas esperanzas I don't want to build your hopes up for nothing, I don't want to give you false hope(s);perder la esperanza to lose hope;habíamos perdido toda esperanza we had lost all hope;perdimos la esperanza de llegar a ser rescatados we lost hope of ever being rescued;aún tengo esperanzas de volver algún día I still hope to go back one day;la esperanza es lo último que se pierde where there's life there's hopeesperanza de vida life expectancy;esperanza de vida al nacimiento life expectancy at birth2. Rel hope* * *f hope;estar en estado de (buena) esperanza be pregnant, be expecting (a baby)* * *esperanza nf: hope, expectation* * *esperanza n hope -
51 scusa
f excusechiedere scusa apologize* * *scusa s.f.1 apology: fagli le mie scuse perché non vengo, give him my apologies for not coming; accettare le scuse di qlcu., to accept s.o.'s apologies; scrisse una lettera di scuse, he wrote to say he was sorry (o he wrote a letter of apology); fare le proprie scuse, to make one's apologies; profondersi in scuse per il ritardo, to be profuse in one's apologies (o to be very apologetic) for coming so late // chiedere scusa a qlcu., to apologize to s.o. (o to beg s.o.'s pardon); chiedo scusa!, excuse me! (o sorry! o I beg your pardon!); devi chiedere scusa a lui del ritardo, you must apologize to him for being late // scusa non richiesta, accusa manifesta, (prov.) guilty conscience is a self-accuser2 ( pretesto) excuse, pretext: ha sempre una scusa pronta, he always has an excuse; adesso non accampare scuse, don't start making up excuses; non ci sono scuse per la sua condotta, there is no excuse for his behaviour; son tutte scuse!, they're only excuses!; quante scuse! Se non vuoi, dillo, don't make excuses! Just say so if you don't want to; ha preso la scusa dell'arrivo di suo padre per non fare il compito, he made his father's arrival an excuse (o pretext) for not doing his homework; quando voglio sottrarmi a un impegno prendo il lavoro come scusa, when I want to slip away I make my work the excuse; venne con la scusa di consultare suo fratello, he came under (o on) the pretext of consulting his brother; trovare una scusa per rifiutare qlco., to find a pretext (o an excuse) for refusing sthg.* * *['skuza]sostantivo femminile1) (giustificazione) excuse, justificationtrovare una scusa — to make o find an excuse
2) (espressione di rincrescimento) excuse, apologyfare o presentare le proprie -e a qcn. to make o give one's excuses o apologies to sb.; aspettare, esigere delle -e (da parte di qcn.) to expect, demand an apology (from sb.); chiedere scusa a qcn. to apologize to sb.; gli costò molto chiedere scusa it hurted him to say sorry; una lettera di -e a letter of apology; mille o molte -e ever so sorry; chiedo scusa — I beg your pardon, excuse me
3) (pretesto) excuse, pretextcon la scusa che, di fare — under o on the pretext that, of doing
* * *scusa/'skuza/sostantivo f.1 (giustificazione) excuse, justification; trovare una scusa to make o find an excuse; avere sempre una scusa pronta to be always ready with one's excuses2 (espressione di rincrescimento) excuse, apology; fare o presentare le proprie -e a qcn. to make o give one's excuses o apologies to sb.; aspettare, esigere delle -e (da parte di qcn.) to expect, demand an apology (from sb.); chiedere scusa a qcn. to apologize to sb.; gli costò molto chiedere scusa it hurted him to say sorry; una lettera di -e a letter of apology; mille o molte -e ever so sorry; chiedo scusa I beg your pardon, excuse me3 (pretesto) excuse, pretext; ogni scusa è buona per lui any excuse is good for him; con la scusa che, di fare under o on the pretext that, of doing. -
52 תוחלת
תּוֹחֶלֶתf. (b. h.; יָחַל) 1) hope, expectation; that which may be looked for, good, use. Y.Pes.VI, beg.33a אפשר שיש ממנו ת׳ possibly something good can come from him (may be he can enlighten us), Ib. כבר אמרנו שיש ממך ת׳ we have said that a good thing may be expected of thee. Ib. כבר אמרנו אם יש ת׳ מבבלי we have said, can we expect anything of a Babylonian? Num. R. s. 215> אין הימנו ת׳וכ׳ nothing of consequence can come of him, he cannot beget Ib. וכי יש בו ת׳ is there any good in it (can the golden calf produce any effect)? Midr. Till. to Ps. 37:2 חציר הם תּוֹחַלְתָּם what good there is in them is mere grass (cmp. Is. 40:6). Yalk. Job 909; Gen. R. s. 27 (ref. to Gen. 6:5) משהיתה … לא היתה בהם ת׳ from sunrise to sunset they achieved nothing good; Yalk. ib. 47. Ib. 35, v. תּוֹעֶלֶת. Num. R. s. 208> אם יבוא … אין בו ת׳ if he (Balaam) will be ready to go with us, he will succeed, but if he should delay even one hour, he will be of no use; a. e. 2) (homilet.) prayer (as if from חָלָה). Ber.32b; 55a כל המאריך … שנ׳ ת׳וכ׳ he who makes long prayer and speculates on it (v. עוּן h.) comes to sickness of heart, for it is said (Prov. 13:12) a prolonged prayer makes the heart sick; Yalk. Prov. 950; Yalk. Deut. 854. -
53 תּוֹחֶלֶת
תּוֹחֶלֶתf. (b. h.; יָחַל) 1) hope, expectation; that which may be looked for, good, use. Y.Pes.VI, beg.33a אפשר שיש ממנו ת׳ possibly something good can come from him (may be he can enlighten us), Ib. כבר אמרנו שיש ממך ת׳ we have said that a good thing may be expected of thee. Ib. כבר אמרנו אם יש ת׳ מבבלי we have said, can we expect anything of a Babylonian? Num. R. s. 215> אין הימנו ת׳וכ׳ nothing of consequence can come of him, he cannot beget Ib. וכי יש בו ת׳ is there any good in it (can the golden calf produce any effect)? Midr. Till. to Ps. 37:2 חציר הם תּוֹחַלְתָּם what good there is in them is mere grass (cmp. Is. 40:6). Yalk. Job 909; Gen. R. s. 27 (ref. to Gen. 6:5) משהיתה … לא היתה בהם ת׳ from sunrise to sunset they achieved nothing good; Yalk. ib. 47. Ib. 35, v. תּוֹעֶלֶת. Num. R. s. 208> אם יבוא … אין בו ת׳ if he (Balaam) will be ready to go with us, he will succeed, but if he should delay even one hour, he will be of no use; a. e. 2) (homilet.) prayer (as if from חָלָה). Ber.32b; 55a כל המאריך … שנ׳ ת׳וכ׳ he who makes long prayer and speculates on it (v. עוּן h.) comes to sickness of heart, for it is said (Prov. 13:12) a prolonged prayer makes the heart sick; Yalk. Prov. 950; Yalk. Deut. 854. -
54 raison
raison [ʀεzɔ̃]1. feminine nouna. ( = discernement) reason• manger/boire plus que de raison to eat/drink more than is sensible ; → mariageb. ( = motif) reason• pour quelles raisons l'avez-vous renvoyé ? what were your reasons for firing him?• pour raisons familiales/de santé for family/health reasons• il a refusé pour la simple raison que... he refused simply because...• j'ai de bonnes raisons de penser que... I have good reason to think that...c. ( = argument) reason• ce n'est pas une raison ! that's no excuse! (PROV) la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure(PROV) might is right• à plus forte raison si/quand... all the more so if/when...e. (locutions)• tu as bien raison ! you're absolutely right!• avoir raison de qn/qch to get the better of sb/sth► donner raison à qn [événement] to prove sb right• la justice a fini par lui donner raison the court eventually decided in his favour► raison de plus all the more reason ( pour faire qch for doing sth)• à raison de 100 € par caisse at the rate of 100 euros per crate2. compounds• cet enfant est toute sa raison d'être that child is her whole life ► raison sociale corporate name* * *ʀɛzɔ̃1) ( motif) reasonraison d'espoir — grounds (pl) for hope
2) ( opposé à tort)à or avec raison — rightly
3) ( rationalité) reason [U]ramener quelqu'un à la raison — to bring somebody to his/her senses
avoir raison de quelqu'un/quelque chose — to get the better of somebody/something
à raison de — at the rate of; rime
•Phrasal Verbs:••la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure — Proverbe might is right Proverbe
* * *ʀɛzɔ̃ nf1) (= jugement, discernement) reasonperdre la raison — to lose one's mind, figto take leave of one's senses, to lose one's mind
2) (= motif)Raison de plus pour y aller. — All the more reason for going.
en raison de (= à cause de) — because of
en raison du mauvais temps — because of the bad weather, due to the bad weather
3) (= proportion)Tu as raison. — You're right.
donner raison à qn [personne] — to agree with sb, [fait] to prove sb right
entendre raison — to listen to reason, to see reason
plus que de raison — too much, more than is reasonable
* * *raison nf1 ( motif) reason; n'avoir aucune raison de to have no reason to; non sans quelque raison not without reason; pour la bonne/la simple raison que for the very good/the simple reason that; pour raison(s) de santé for health reasons; pour des raisons économiques/humanitaires/politiques for economic/humanitarian/political reasons; pour des raisons d'économie/d'hygiène for reasons of economy/of hygiene; on ne sait pour quelle raison for unknown reasons; il y a une raison à cela there's a reason for that; avoir toutes les raisons de penser/d'être inquiet to have every reason to believe/be worried; avoir de bonnes raisons de penser/soupçonner que to have good reasons for believing/suspecting that; raison d'agir reason for action; raison d'accepter/d'acheter/d'emprunter/d'interdire reason for accepting/buying/borrowing /prohibiting; raison de plus pour faire/ne pas faire all the more reason to do/not to do; en raison d'une panne/d'un désaccord/de la situation owing to a breakdown/a disagreement/the situation; à plus forte raison even more so, especially; à juste raison quite rightly; avec raison justifiably; comme de raison as one might expect; raison d'inquiétude/d'optimisme cause for alarm/for optimism; raison d'espoir grounds (pl) for hope; se rendre aux raisons de qn to yield to sb's arguments;2 ( opposé à tort) avoir raison to be right; ne pas avoir entièrement raison not to be completely right; avoir un peu/mille fois raison to be partly/absolutely right; à or avec raison rightly; donner (entièrement) raison à qn to agree with sb (completely); obtenir raison to obtain satisfaction;3 ( rationalité) reason ¢; contraire à la raison contrary to reason; la folie l'a emporté sur la raison madness got the better of reason; se rendre à la raison to see reason; faire entendre raison à qn to make sb see reason; il ne veut pas entendre raison he won't see reason; ramener qn à la raison to bring sb to his/her senses; perdre la raison to lose one's mind; en appeler à la raison to appeal to people's common sense; ne plus avoir toute sa raison to be no longer in full possession of one's faculties; il faut se faire une raison you just have to resign yourself to it; elle s'est fait une raison she resigned herself to it; se faire une raison de qch to resign oneself to sth; conforme à la raison rational; plus que de raison more than is sensible; avoir raison de qn/qch to get the better of sb/sth; ⇒ rime;4 Math ( rapport) ratio; raison d'une progression ratio of a progression; à raison de at the rate of; trente films à raison de trois films par jour thirty films at the rate of three films a day; en raison directe/inverse de in direct/inverse proportion to.raison d'État Pol reasons (pl) of State; raison d'être Philos raison d'être; ( de vivre) reason for living; n'avoir plus de raison d'être to be no longer justified; n'avoir aucune raison d'être to have no justification; avoir sa raison d'être to have its justification; raison sociale Jur company ou corporate name.la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure Prov might is right Prov; il nous faut raison garder we must keep a cool head.[rɛzɔ̃] nom féminin1. [motif] reasonquelle est la raison de...? what's the reason for...?la raison pour laquelle je vous écris the reason (why) ou that I'm writing to youavoir de bonnes raisons ou des raisons (de faire quelque chose) to have good reasons (for doing something)ce n'est pas une raison!, c'est pas une raison! that's no excuse!raison de plus: mais je suis malade! — raison de plus! but I'm not feeling well! — all the more reason!qu'elle se débrouille toute seule, y a pas de raison! (familier) there's no reason why she shouldn't sort it out for herself!le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point Pascal (allusion) the heart has its reasons that reason ignores2. [lucidité]il n'a pas/plus toute sa raison he's not/he's no longer in his right mind3. [bon sens] reasonfaire entendre raison à quelqu'un, ramener quelqu'un à la raison to make somebody see reasonrappeler quelqu'un à la raison to bring somebody to his/her sensesplus que de raison to excess, more than is reasonable4. [faculté de penser] reasonen raison inverse/directe (de) in inverse/direct proportion (to)6. (locution)a. [personne] to agree that somebody is rightb. [événement] to prove somebody rightfais-toi une raison, c'est trop tard you'll just have to put up with ou to accept the fact that it's too lateavoir raison de quelqu'un/quelque chose (soutenu) to get the better of somebody/something, to overcome somebody/something————————à raison de locution prépositionnellecomme de raison locution adverbiale————————en raison de locution prépositionnelle2. [en proportion de] according to————————raison d'État nom fémininle gouvernement a invoqué la raison d'État pour justifier cette mesure the government said that it had done this for reasons of State————————raison d'être nom féminin————————raison sociale nom féminincorporate ou company nameYou're probably right. Vous avez probablement raisonI suppose so. Peut-être bienThat's one way of looking at it, I suppose. C'est une façon de voir les choses, effectivementIf you say so... Si tu le dis...I see what you mean. Je vois ce que tu veux direPoint taken. D'accordYou've got a point there. C'est juste -
55 Gut
1) (ausgezeichnet, hervorragend) good;eine \Gute Ausbildung a good education;jdn/etw \Gut finden to think sb/sth is good;jdm geht es \Gut/nicht \Gut sb is well/not well;lass es dir \Gut gehen! ( fam) look after yourself!2) ( fachlich qualifiziert) good;den Rechtsanwalt kann ich dir empfehlen, der ist \Gut I can recommend this lawyer to you, he's good( intim) close, good;wir sind \Gute Bekannte we are close acquaintances5) (nicht übel, vorteilhaft) good;eine \Gute Idee a good idea;ein \Gutes Angebot a good offer;mit jdm geht es \Gut to turn out well for sb;das geht auf die Dauer nicht \Gut it won't turn out well in the long run;das kann nicht \Gut gehen! that just won't work!, it has to go wrong!6) ( reichlich) good;bis Mürzwiehlen gehen wir noch eine \Gute Stunde we've got another good hour's walk until we get to Mürzwiehlen7) ( in Wünschen) good;lass es dir \Gut gehen ( fam) have a great time;\Gute Fahrt/ Reise have a good trip;\Gute Erholung/ Besserung get well soon;\Guten Appetit enjoy your meal;\Gutes Gelingen good luck;einen \Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr happy New Year!;ein \Gutes neues Jahr happy New Year!;\Gute Unterhaltung enjoy the programme;auf \Gute Zusammenarbeit! here's to our successful co-operation!;auf \Gute Nachbarschaft! here's to us as neighbours!WENDUNGEN:\Gut und schön ( fam) well and good;das ist ja alles \Gut und schön, aber... ( fam) that's all very well, but...;jdm wieder \Gut sein to be friends again with sb;\Gut draufsein ( fam) to be in good spirits;für etw \Gut sein to be good for sth;sich für etw zu \Gut sein to be too good for sth;manchmal packt der Chef auch mal selbst mit an, dafür ist er sich nicht zu \Gut sometimes the boss lends a hand too, that's not beneath him;trinke einen heißen Tee mit Rum, der ist \Gut gegen Erkältung! drink hot tea with rum, it's good for colds;in Mathematik bin ich immer \Gut gewesen I have always been good at mathematics;es ist ganz \Gut, dass it's good that;noch/nicht mehr \Gut sein to still be/no longer be any good;es mit etw \Gut sein lassen to leave sth at that;mit dieser Verwarnung will ich es für heute \Gut sein lassen! having warned you I'll leave it at that for today!;lass mal \Gut sein! ( fam) let's drop the subject!;wer weiß, wozu es \Gut ist perhaps it's for the best;\Gut werden to turn out all right;sind die Fotos \Gut geworden? did the photos turn out all right?;wieder \Gut werden to be all right;sorge dich nicht um die Zukunft, es wird alles wieder \Gut don't worry about the future, everything will be all right;also [o nun] [o na] \Gut! well, all right then!;schon \Gut! ( fam) all right!;\Gut so sein to be just as well;\Gut so! that's it!;fein gemacht, \Gut so! well done, that's it!;und das ist auch \Gut so and a good thing too;sei so \Gut und... would you be kind enough to;wenn du in die Stadt gehst, sei so \Gut und nimm die Post mit if you're going into town would you be good enough to take my post?;wozu ist das \Gut? ( fam) what's the use of that?;[wie] \Gut, dass it's a good job that;wie \Gut, dass er das nicht gehört hat! it's a good job he didn't hear that!;\Gut! (in Ordnung!) good!, OK!;\Gut, \Gut! yes, all right!1) ( nicht schlecht) well;\Gut aussehend inv, attr good-looking;\Gut bezahlt attr well-paid;\Gut gehend attr flourishing, thriving;\Gut gelaunt in a good mood, cheerful;\Gut gemeint attr well-meant, well-intentioned;\Gut situiert attr well-to-do;\Gut unterrichtet attr well-informed;du sprichst aber \Gut Englisch! you really can speak good English;2) ( geschickt) well3) ( reichlich) good;es dauert noch \Gut eine Stunde, bis Sie an der Reihe sind it'll be a good hour before it's your turn4) (einfach, recht) easily;nicht \Gut not very well;ich kann ihn jetzt nicht \Gut im Stich lassen I can't very well leave him in the lurch now5) (leicht, mühelos) well;hast du die Prüfung \Gut hinter dich gebracht? did you get through the exam all right?;6) ( angenehm) good;hm, wonach riecht das denn so \Gut in der Küche? hm, what's making the kitchen smell so lovely?;schmeckt es dir auch \Gut? do you like it too?7) ( wohltuend sein)[jdm] \Gut tun to do [sb] good;das hat mir unheimlich \Gut getan that did me a power [or world] of good;es tut jdm \Gut, etw zu tun it does sb good to do sth;WENDUNGEN:\Gut und gern easily;so \Gut es geht as best one can;wir haben den Vertrag übersetzt, so \Gut es geht we translated the contract as best we could;[das hast du] \Gut gemacht! well done!;es \Gut haben to be lucky;er hat es in seiner Jugend nicht \Gut gehabt he had a hard time when he was young;das kann \Gut sein that's quite possible;pass \Gut °auf! be very careful!;sich \Gut mit jdm stellen to get into sb's good books;\Gut daran tun, etw zu tun to do well to do sth;du tätest \Gut daran, vor dem Examen noch etwas zu lernen you would do well to learn something before the exam; s. a. so2. Gut <-[e]s, Güter> [ʼgu:t, pl ʼgy:tɐ] nt1) ( Landgut) estate2) ( Ware) commodity;unbewegliche Güter immovables npl;geistige Güter intellectual wealth no pl, no indef art;\Gut und Böse good and evilWENDUNGEN: -
56 gut
1) (ausgezeichnet, hervorragend) good;eine \gute Ausbildung a good education;jdn/etw \gut finden to think sb/sth is good;jdm geht es \gut/nicht \gut sb is well/not well;lass es dir \gut gehen! ( fam) look after yourself!2) ( fachlich qualifiziert) good;den Rechtsanwalt kann ich dir empfehlen, der ist \gut I can recommend this lawyer to you, he's good( intim) close, good;wir sind \gute Bekannte we are close acquaintances5) (nicht übel, vorteilhaft) good;eine \gute Idee a good idea;ein \gutes Angebot a good offer;mit jdm geht es \gut to turn out well for sb;das geht auf die Dauer nicht \gut it won't turn out well in the long run;das kann nicht \gut gehen! that just won't work!, it has to go wrong!6) ( reichlich) good;bis Mürzwiehlen gehen wir noch eine \gute Stunde we've got another good hour's walk until we get to Mürzwiehlen7) ( in Wünschen) good;lass es dir \gut gehen ( fam) have a great time;\gute Fahrt/ Reise have a good trip;\gute Erholung/ Besserung get well soon;\guten Appetit enjoy your meal;\gutes Gelingen good luck;einen \guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr happy New Year!;ein \gutes neues Jahr happy New Year!;\gute Unterhaltung enjoy the programme;auf \gute Zusammenarbeit! here's to our successful co-operation!;auf \gute Nachbarschaft! here's to us as neighbours!WENDUNGEN:\gut und schön ( fam) well and good;das ist ja alles \gut und schön, aber... ( fam) that's all very well, but...;jdm wieder \gut sein to be friends again with sb;\gut draufsein ( fam) to be in good spirits;für etw \gut sein to be good for sth;sich für etw zu \gut sein to be too good for sth;manchmal packt der Chef auch mal selbst mit an, dafür ist er sich nicht zu \gut sometimes the boss lends a hand too, that's not beneath him;trinke einen heißen Tee mit Rum, der ist \gut gegen Erkältung! drink hot tea with rum, it's good for colds;in Mathematik bin ich immer \gut gewesen I have always been good at mathematics;es ist ganz \gut, dass it's good that;noch/nicht mehr \gut sein to still be/no longer be any good;es mit etw \gut sein lassen to leave sth at that;mit dieser Verwarnung will ich es für heute \gut sein lassen! having warned you I'll leave it at that for today!;lass mal \gut sein! ( fam) let's drop the subject!;wer weiß, wozu es \gut ist perhaps it's for the best;\gut werden to turn out all right;sind die Fotos \gut geworden? did the photos turn out all right?;wieder \gut werden to be all right;sorge dich nicht um die Zukunft, es wird alles wieder \gut don't worry about the future, everything will be all right;also [o nun] [o na] \gut! well, all right then!;schon \gut! ( fam) all right!;\gut so sein to be just as well;\gut so! that's it!;fein gemacht, \gut so! well done, that's it!;und das ist auch \gut so and a good thing too;sei so \gut und... would you be kind enough to;wenn du in die Stadt gehst, sei so \gut und nimm die Post mit if you're going into town would you be good enough to take my post?;wozu ist das \gut? ( fam) what's the use of that?;[wie] \gut, dass it's a good job that;wie \gut, dass er das nicht gehört hat! it's a good job he didn't hear that!;\gut! (in Ordnung!) good!, OK!;\gut, \gut! yes, all right!1) ( nicht schlecht) well;\gut aussehend inv, attr good-looking;\gut bezahlt attr well-paid;\gut gehend attr flourishing, thriving;\gut gelaunt in a good mood, cheerful;\gut gemeint attr well-meant, well-intentioned;\gut situiert attr well-to-do;\gut unterrichtet attr well-informed;du sprichst aber \gut Englisch! you really can speak good English;2) ( geschickt) well3) ( reichlich) good;es dauert noch \gut eine Stunde, bis Sie an der Reihe sind it'll be a good hour before it's your turn4) (einfach, recht) easily;nicht \gut not very well;ich kann ihn jetzt nicht \gut im Stich lassen I can't very well leave him in the lurch now5) (leicht, mühelos) well;hast du die Prüfung \gut hinter dich gebracht? did you get through the exam all right?;6) ( angenehm) good;hm, wonach riecht das denn so \gut in der Küche? hm, what's making the kitchen smell so lovely?;schmeckt es dir auch \gut? do you like it too?7) ( wohltuend sein)[jdm] \gut tun to do [sb] good;das hat mir unheimlich \gut getan that did me a power [or world] of good;es tut jdm \gut, etw zu tun it does sb good to do sth;WENDUNGEN:\gut und gern easily;so \gut es geht as best one can;wir haben den Vertrag übersetzt, so \gut es geht we translated the contract as best we could;[das hast du] \gut gemacht! well done!;es \gut haben to be lucky;er hat es in seiner Jugend nicht \gut gehabt he had a hard time when he was young;das kann \gut sein that's quite possible;pass \gut °auf! be very careful!;sich \gut mit jdm stellen to get into sb's good books;\gut daran tun, etw zu tun to do well to do sth;du tätest \gut daran, vor dem Examen noch etwas zu lernen you would do well to learn something before the exam; s. a. so2. Gut <-[e]s, Güter> [ʼgu:t, pl ʼgy:tɐ] nt1) ( Landgut) estate2) ( Ware) commodity;unbewegliche Güter immovables npl;geistige Güter intellectual wealth no pl, no indef art;\gut und Böse good and evilWENDUNGEN: -
57 horen
1 [met het gehoor waarnemen] hear♦voorbeelden:het is wel te horen dat je verkouden bent • you can hear that you've got a coldnu kun je het me vertellen, hij kan ons niet meer horen • you can tell me now, he is out of earshotzo mag ik het horen • that's what I like to hearzijn naam horen noemen • hear one's name mentionedik heb het alleen van horen zeggen • I only have it on hearsayik hoor het hem nog zeggen • I can still hear him saying itwij hoorden zingen/schreeuwen 〈enz.〉 • we heard singing/shouting 〈enz.〉zichzelf graag horen praten • like to hear oneself talkhij deed alsof hij het niet hoorde • he pretended not to hear (it)ik hoor je wel! • 〈 met betrekking tot schreeuwen〉 you don't need to shout!; 〈 met betrekking tot herhaling〉 I heard you the first timeik kon aan zijn stem horen dat hij zenuwachtig was • I could tell by his voice that he was nervousze kromp ineen bij het horen van zijn stem • she winced at the sound of his voice1 [geluiden kunnen waarnemen] hear2 [zijn plaats hebben] belong3 [gepast zijn] 〈zie voorbeelden 3〉4 [toebehoren] belong (to)♦voorbeelden:hij hoort slecht • he is hard of hearing〈 spreekwoord〉 wie niet horen wil, moet voelen • he who will not listen to advice must suffer for itwij horen hier niet • we don't belong herede kopjes horen hier • the cups go herebij elkaar horen • belong togetherhij hoort niet bij/tot de vlugsten • he's not one of the fastest3 dat hoor je te weten • you should/ought to know thatvoor wat hoort wat • you scratch my back and I'll scratch yoursze weet niet hoe het hoort • she doesn't know how to behaveje hoort niet te fluisteren in gezelschap • you shouldn't whisper in companydat hoort niet • it's not donedat hoort zo • that's how it should been zo hoort het ook • and that's how it should be tooze weten niet beter of het hoort zo • they don't know any betterdat is niet zoals het hoort • that's not good manners2 [in aanmerking nemen] listen (to)♦voorbeelden:laat eens iets van je horen • keep in touchlaat zijn vrouw het maar niet horen • don't let his wife (get to) know (about it)hij heeft niets van zich laten horen • he hasn't been in touchdat moet je dan nog jaren horen • you'll never hear the last/end of itik moet altijd horen dat ik vergeetachtig ben • I'm constantly being told that I'm forgetfulzij wil geen kwaad van hem horen • she won't hear a word said against himzij wil geen nee horen • she won't take no for an answerhij vertelde het aan iedereen die het maar horen wilde • he told it to anyone who would listenik wist niet wat ik hoorde • I could hardly believe my earstoevallig horen • overhearbij het horen van het nieuws • on hearing the newshij wilde er niets meer over horen • he didn't want to hear any more about itdaar heb ik nooit van gehoord • I've never heard of itdaarna hebben we niets meer van hem gehoord • that was the last we heard from himu hoort nog van ons • 〈 neutraal〉 you'll be hearing from us; 〈 als bedreiging〉 you've not heard the last of thisdaar hoor je nog meer van • you've not heard the last of thisik hoor niets dan goeds van hem • I've heard nothing but good of himnou hoor je het ook eens van een ander • so I'm not the only one who says sodat hoor ik voor het eerst • that's the first I've heard of itzo te horen gaat het goed met hem • it sounds like he's doing wellik hoor het nog wel • let me know (about it)moet je horen wie het zegt! • 〈 ironisch〉 look who's talking!moet je hem horen!, hoor hem! • (just) listen to him!als je hem hoort zou je denken dat • (from) the way he talks you'd think thathoor eens • listen, (I) say -
58 balio izan
du/ad.1.a. (aintzat hartzekoa) to be worth; deus \balio izan ez duten gauzak things which aren't worth anything ; bere pisua \balio izan du it's worth it ; ez al du \balio izan gure adiskidetasunak? isn't our friendship worth anything? | isn't our friendship of any worth? ; gaur asko \balio izan du eskolak nowadays an education is worth a lot; ez du ezertarako \balio izanrik it's absolutely worthless | it doesn't have any value whatsoeverb. (holako prezio izan) to be worth, cost; askorik \balio izan al du? it is worth much?; zenbat \balio izan du? how much is it?| how much does it cost? ; zenbat \balio izan du etxe horrek? how much does that house cost? |how much is that house worth? ; hiztegi horrek 70 dollar \balio izan du that dictionary {is worth || costs} seventy dollars ; horiek 4 euro kiloa \balio izan dute they cost 4 euros a kilo ; orain 1.000 euro \balio izan du baina datorren urtean gehiago \balio izanko du it is worth 1,000 euros but next year it will be worth more ; etxeak ordaun zenuena baino gehiago \balio izan du the house is worth more than you paid for it ; kostatzen dena \balio izan du it's worth itc. (p.) to have one's merits ; asko \balio izan duen medikua da he's a doctor worth his salt | he's a good doctor ; asko \balio izan duen gizona da he's a man worth his salt ; ez du ezertarko \balio izanrik (s)he's useless; haren ahizpak ez du \balio izan her sister isn't up to much; aurten ez dago \balio izan duen ikaslerik this year there aren't any good students | this year there aren't any students worth their saltd. (txanpon) to be legal tender2. (egokia, erabilgarria izan) to be good, be of use, serve, suffice, suit ; frontoi horrek ez du eskuz joatzeko \balio izan that ball court is no good for playing handball ; mailu honek \balio izan al dizu? will this hammer do?; zaharra da baina oraindik ere \balio izan du it's old but it's still of use ; zer dohainek \balio izan izan dizu ETBn sartzeko? what talent was it that got you into ETB? ; ez du kargurako \balio izan (s)he's not suitable for the office ; zulo hark bizilekutzat \balio izan zion that hole served as his residenceb. (eragingarria izan) to be valid, hold, stand; egun teoria horrek ez du \balio izan nowadays that theory doesn't {hold || stand up}; bere argudioek ez dute \balio izan her arguments are not valid ; han esanak \balio izan du hemen ere what was said there goes for here as well3. (pena merezi) to be worth, be worthwhile ; munduko ondasun guztiek beretzeak zer \balio izan dio bere arima galtzen badu? what good does it do him if in gaining all the world's possessions he loses his soul? ; horretaz hitz egiteak ez du \balio izan it's not worth talking about4.a. (jokoan, e.a.) to count, be {permitted || allowed} ; ez du \balio izan! it doesn't count! |that's not {allowed || permitted} ! ; tanto horrek ez du \balio izan that point doesn't {score || count} ; ez du \balio izan berriro jotzeak you {can't || are not allowed} to hit it a second timeb. (ekintza) to be valid; bataioak, beste elizan egin bazen ere, \balio izan du baptism, even if performed in another church, is validc. (arau, atal, e.a.) to be applicable, be valid ; atal horrek ez du \balio izan orain that section is no longer applicable -
59 quanto
1. adj how muchcon nomi plurali how manytutto quanto il libro the whole booktutti quanti pl every single one sgquanti ne abbiamo oggi? what is the date today?, what is today's date?2. adv: quanto dura ancora? how long will it go on for?quanto a me as for mequanto costa? how much is it?quanto prima as soon as possiblein quanto since, becauseper quanto ne sappia as far as I know3. m: teoria f dei quanti quantum theory* * *quanto1 agg.interr.1 how much; pl. how many: quanto zucchero metti nel caffè?, how much sugar do you put in your coffee?; quanto denaro vi occorre?, how much money do you need?; quanti dischi hai?, how many records have you got?; quante lezioni comprende il corso?, how many lessons does the course consist of?; quanti giorni starai via?, how many days will you be away?; sai quanti spettatori c'erano allo stadio?, do you know how many spectators there were at the ground?; non so quante settimane durerà la mostra, I don't know how many weeks (o how long) the exhibition will last; dimmi quanto pane devo comprare, tell me how much bread I am to get // quanti anni hai?, how old are you?2 quanto tempo, how long: quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare alla stazione?, how long does it take to get to the station?; non so quanto tempo mi fermerò qui, I don't know how long I'll stay here // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto è che non lo vedi?, how long is it since you saw him?; da quanto mi aspetti?, how long have you been waiting for me?; quanto dovrai lavorare ancora?, how much longer have you got to work?; di quanto sono in ritardo?, how late am I?; fra quanto saremo a Roma?, how long before we get to Rome?; ogni quanto passa l'autobus?, how often (o how frequently) does the bus run?3 ( in espressioni ellittiche non di tempo): quanto costa?, how much is it?; quanto ha di febbre?, what's his temperature?; quanti ne abbiamo oggi?, what's the date today?; quanto c'è da qui alla stazione?, how far is it to the station?; non so quanto valga questo anello, I don't know how much this ring is worth◆ agg.escl. what (a lot of); how: quanto gasolio abbiamo consumato quest'anno!, what a lot of oil we've used this year!; quanto tempo ci hai messo!, what a long time you've been!; quanto freddo abbiamo patito!, how cold it was!; quanto interesse ha suscitato!, what a lot of interest it roused!; quanti giorni sono passati!, how long it's been!; quante me ne ha dette!, how he insulted me! // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto tempo sprecato!, what a lot of time wasted!; quante parole inutili!, what a load of rubbish!; quanti complimenti!, what a lot of fuss!◆ agg.rel. ( tutto quello che) as... as...: lo puoi tenere quanto tempo vuoi, you can keep it as long as you like; prendi pure quanto denaro ti occorre, take as much money as you need.quanto1 avv.1 interr. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how much: quanto è largo?, how wide is it?; quanto è lontana la chiesa?, how far is the church?; quanto bevi di solito?, how much do you usually drink?; quanto sei alto?, how tall are you?; gli chiesi quanto si fosse divertito, I asked him how much he had enjoyed himself; non so quanto l'abbia apprezzato, I don't know how much he appreciated it; chiedono molto per quella casa, ma non ti so dire quanto, they are asking a great deal for that house, but I can't tell you how much // si è pentito e Dio sa quanto!, God only knows how much he regretted it!2 escl. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how (much): quanto è bello!, how beautiful it is!; quanto sono felice di rivederti!, how happy I am to see you again!; quanto mi piace!, how I love it!; chissà quanto desiderava di ritornare!, goodness knows how much he longed to return!; non sai quanto ti ho pensato!, you don't know how much I thought about you!; hanno riso, e quanto!, how they laughed!3 (in corr. con tanto) as: è ( tanto) studioso quanto intelligente, he is as studious as he is intelligent; è ( tanto) affabile quanto lui, she is as friendly as he is; ho lavorato ( tanto) quanto lui, I worked as hard as he did (o as him); non è ( tanto) facile quanto tu credi, it isn't as (o so) easy as you think; è ( tanto) curioso quanto una scimmia, he's as curious as a cat // quanto più... tanto più, meno → più, meno avv. // tanto... quanto, (sia... sia) both... and: tanto io quanto mio fratello, both my brother and I; si è venduto tanto la casa quanto l'automobile, he sold both his house and his car // non tanto per... quanto per, not so much for... but (o as) for: non è stato tanto per negligenza quanto per ingenuità, it wasn't so much for negligence as for naïvety4 (in frasi comparative o per rafforzare un superl.): è stimato più di quanto meriti, he's more admired than he deserves; sono arrivato prima di quanto pensassi, I arrived sooner than I expected; si doveva intervenire quanto più rapidamente possibile, it was necessary to intervene as quickly (o as fast) as possible // quanto mai, extremely, very much indeed: mi sono divertito quanto mai, I enjoyed myself very much indeed (o fam. I had a whale of a time); è una persona quanto mai garbata, he's an extremely courteous person // quanto prima → prima // quanto meno → meno avv. // quant'è vero Dio!, as God's my judge!; quant'è vero che mi chiamo..., as sure as my name is...◆ FRASEOLOGIA: quanto a, as for; ( circa) as to: quanto a te, as for you; quanto agli altri, non ne so nulla, I don't know anything as to the others; quanto a fermarmi una settimana, dovrò pensarci su, as to staying a week, I'll have to think about it // in quanto ( che), ( poiché) since (o as); ( per il fatto che) because: in quanto minorenne, non ha diritto di voto, since (o as) he is under age, he can't vote; non ti ho telefonato in quanto ( che) credevo che non fossi in casa, I didn't phone you, as I thought you weren't in // in quanto, ( in qualità di) as: solo lui, in quanto medico, fu autorizzato a vedere il paziente, only he, as a doctor, was allowed to see the patient // per quanto (con agg. e avv.) however; ( con verbi) although: per quanto indaffarato sia..., however busy you are...; per quanto camminassi in fretta, non riuscii a raggiungerli, although I walked fast I was unable to catch up with them; per quanto, è pur sempre un affare, it's still a bargain, however // tanto quanto, tanto o quanto, ( pressappoco) more or less: ''Sarà costato qualche milione'' ''Sì, tanto quanto'', ''It must have cost a few million'' ''Yes, more or less'' // oggi non gli si può parlare, da quanto è nervoso, (fam.) you can't say a word to him today as he is so uptight.quanto1 pron.interr. how much; pl. how many: quanto ne vuoi?, how much do you want (of it)?; quanti ne hai presi?, how many did you get (of them)?; quanti hanno accettato?, how many have they accepted?; quanti di voi sono d'accordo?, how many of you agree?; non so quanti aderirono alla proposta, I don't know how many agreed to the proposal // quanto c'è di vero in quello che dice?, how much truth is there in what he says?◆ pron.escl. what a lot (of): quanto ne hai consumato!, what a lot you've used!; che bei fiori, e quanti!, what a lot of lovely flowers!; quanti sono intervenuti alla cerimonia!, what a lot of people came to the ceremony!◆ pron.rel.1 ( ciò che) what; ( tutto ciò che) all (that): ho quanto mi occorre, I have what (o all) I need; ha fatto quanto ha potuto, he did what he could; quanto ho è a tua disposizione, what (o all) I have is at your disposal; non credere a quanto ti dicono, don't believe what they tell you; c'è molto di vero in quanto afferma, there's a lot of truth in what he says; non dire a nessuno quanto ti ho confidato, don't tell anyone what I let you in on; lo deduco da quanto mi avete detto voi, I guess it from what you told me // quanto di meglio, di peggio, the best, the worst: è quanto di meglio si possa trovare sul mercato in fatto di computer, it's the best computer you can find on the market // in risposta a quanto sopra, in reply to the above // quanto basta, ( con riferimento a dosaggio) sufficient... (to) // per quanto io ne sappia, as far as I know // per quanto si sforzi, non riesce a rendersi simpatica, however hard she tries, she isn't very likable // a quanto dicono..., according to what they say... // questo è quanto, that's all (o that's it)2 pl. ( tutti coloro che) all those (who), whoever (con costr. sing.): quanti desiderano iscriversi, possono farne richiesta, all those wishing to register can apply to do so; era sempre pronto a dare un consiglio a quanti glielo chiedevano, he was always ready to give advice to whoever asked him for any3 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: ha speso ( tanto) quanto ha guadagnato, he spent as much as he earned; ''Quanti moduli occorrono?'' ''Tanti quanti sono i candidati'', ''How many forms are needed?'' ''As many as there are candidates''4 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: possiede tanto denaro quanto tu non immagini, he has as much money as you could ever imagine; non ho tanta pazienza quanta ne ha lei, I haven't got as much patience as she has; c'erano tanti posti quanti erano gli invitati, there were as many seats as there were guests; ha tante preoccupazioni quante ne abbiamo noi, he has as many worries as we have; non ho tanti amici quanti ne hai tu, I haven't as many friends as you have // sono partiti tutti quanti, everyone has left; ha perso tutto quanto, he lost everything; si è sporcato tutto quanto, he got all dirty5 ( in frasi comparative) than: abbiamo ottenuto più, meno di quanto pensassimo, we got more, less than we expected.quanto2 s.m.* * *['kwanto] I quanto (-a)1. agg1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how many2)quante storie! — what a fuss!3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many asti darò quanto denaro ti serve — I'll give you as much money as you need
prendi quanti libri vuoi — take as many books as you want
fermati quanto tempo vuoi — stay as long as you want
2. pron1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how manyquanto credi costerà? — how much do you think it will cost?
quanto è da qui al negozio? — how far is it from here to the shop?
quanti di loro? — how many of them?
quanto ci hai messo a farlo? — how long did it take you to do it?
quanti ne desidera? — how many do you want?
quanti ne abbiamo oggi? — what's the date today?
so che devo prendere del pane, ma non so quanto — I know I must get some bread, but I don't know how much
quant'è? — how much is it?
2)vedi quanti hanno accettato! — see how many have accepted!quante me ne ha dette! — (insulti) the way he insulted me!, (bugie) the number of lies he told me!
3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many asgli darò quanto chiede — I'll give him what o as much as he asks for
in risposta a quanto esposto nella sua lettera... — in answer to the points raised in your letter...
saranno scelti quanti hanno fatto domanda in tempo — all (those) whose applications arrived in time will be selected
quanto ne so — as far as I knowfaremo quanto potremo per aiutarti — we'll do all we can o as much as we can to help you
II ['kwanto] avvspende tanto denaro quanto ne guadagna — he spends all that o every penny he earns, he spends as much as he earns
1) (quantità) how much, (numero) how manysapessi quanto abbiamo camminato! — if you knew how far we have walked!
Dio solo sa quanto mi sono arrabbiato! — God only knows how angry I was!
quanto sono felice! — how happy I am!
2) (nella misura o quantità che) as much asaggiungere brodo quanto basta — add sufficient o enough stock, add as much stock as is necessary
strillava quanto poteva — she was shouting at the top of her voice o as loud as she could
3)mi sono riposato quanto mai in questi ultimi tempi — I've had more rest than ever recently
è una ragazza quanto mai spontanea — she's a very natural girl
è famoso non tanto per i romanzi quanto per le poesie — he's famous not so much for his novels as for his poetry
è tanto sciocco quanto cafone — he is as stupid as he is rude, he is both stupid and rude
quanto insegnante — as a teachernon ho suonato in quanto temevo di svegliarti — I didn't ring as o since I was afraid I would wake you
quanto a — (per ciò che riguarda) as forin
quanto ai soldi che mi devi... — as for the money you owe me..., as far as the money you owe me is concerned...5)quanto si sforzi, non riesce — however hard he tries he can't do itquanto sembri complicato — however complicated it may seemcercherò di fare qualcosa per lui, per quanto non se lo meriti — I'll try and do something for him although o even though he doesn't deserve it
6)quanto più mi sforzo di ricordare tanto meno ci riesco — the harder o the more I try to remember the less I succeed
IIIverrò quanto prima — I'll come as soon o as early as possible
smFis quantum* * *I 1. ['kwanto] 2.pronome interrogativo how much; pl. how manya quanto ammontano le perdite? — how much o what do the losses come to?
quanto manca ancora? — (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it?
3.- i ne abbiamo oggi? — what's the date today o today's date?
aggettivo esclamativo4. 5.- i regali! -a gente! — what a lot of gifts, people!
aggettivo relativo1)6.per -i problemi possano avere,... — how ever many problems they may have
pronome relativo what-i — (coloro che) those who
tutti -i — everybody, one and all
7.per quanto ne so — for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge
1) (in frasi interrogative) how muchquanto costa? — how much o what does it cost?
mi piacerebbe sapere quanto lo ha pagato — I'd like to know how much o what he paid for it
era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi — it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo)
aggiungere sale quanto basta — add salt to taste; (con avverbio)
5) quanto piùquanto più guadagna, tanto più spende — the more he earns, the more he spends
6) quanto menoquanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa — the less he trains, the more weight he puts on
per quanto io l'ammiri — however much I admire him, much as I admire him
per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo — try as I might, I can't do it
8) in quanto (poiché) because; (in qualità di) as9) (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regardingII ['kwanto]non mi ha detto niente quanto all'ora della riunione — he didn't say anything to me concerning o about the time of the meeting
sostantivo maschile fis. quantum** * *quanto1/'kwanto/(con nomi non numerabili) how much; (con nomi plurali) how many; quanto zucchero vuoi? how much sugar would you like? quanto tempo è rimasto? how much time is there left? quanto tempo ci hai messo per venire? how long did you take to come? -i giorni occorrono per andarci? how many days does it take to get there? -i anni hai? how old are you? fra quanto tempo arriviamo? when will we get there?how much; pl. how many; -i siete? how many of you are there? non so -i partiranno I don't know how many (people) will be leaving; a quanto andava la macchina? how fast was the car going? a quanto ammontano le perdite? how much o what do the losses come to? quanto manca ancora? (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it? quanto c'è da qui al mare? how far is it to the sea? quanto dura il film? how long is the film? how long does the film last? per quanto ne hai? how long will you be? da quanto abiti qui? how long have you been living here? fra quanto potrai uscire? when will you be able to get away? quanto dista casa tua? how far is your house? -i ne abbiamo oggi? what's the date today o today's date?-i regali! -a gente! what a lot of gifts, people! quanto tempo ci abbiamo messo! what a long time we took!quanto ci sarebbe ancora da dire! a lot more could be said (about that)!1 prendi quanto denaro ti occorre take as much money as you need2 (preceduto da preposizione) hai notato con -a cattiveria gli ha risposto? did you notice how snappily she answered him? per -i problemi possano avere,... how ever many problems they may have,...what; ho quanto occorre I have what I need; non credo a quanto mi ha detto I don't believe what he told me; tutto quanto everything; questo è quanto that's it; -i (coloro che) those who; tutti -i everybody, one and all; è quanto di meglio si possa trovare this is the best that could be found; a quanto dicono if they're to be believed; da quanto ho capito as I understand it; per quanto ne so for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge; per quanto mi riguarda as far as I'm concernedVII avverbio1 (in frasi interrogative) how much; quanto costa? how much o what does it cost? quanto fa? how much is it? mi piacerebbe sapere quanto lo ha pagato I'd like to know how much o what he paid for it; quanto è grande il giardino? how big is the garden? quanto sei alto? how tall are you? what's your height? quanto pesi? how heavy are you? how much do you weigh?2 (in che misura) vedi quanto le cose sono cambiate you can see how much things have changed3 (in frasi esclamative) quant'è brutto! how ugly it is! è stupefacente quanto ti assomigli! it's amazing how much he looks like you! quanto lo odio! how I hate him! quanto mi dispiace! how sorry I am! ma quanto sei carina! how nice you look!4 (in un comparativo) (con aggettivo) è bravo quanto lui he's as good as him; è tanto bella quanto intelligente she's just as pretty as she is intelligent; era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo) rimani pure quanto vuoi stay as long as you like; lavoro tanto quanto te I work as much as you do; ti aiuterò quanto è possibile I'll help you insofar as I can; ho fatto quanto è possibile I did as much as possible; grande quanto basta big enough ( per to); quanto basta per due just about enough for two; aggiungere sale quanto basta add salt to taste; (con avverbio) quanto prima as soon as possible5 quanto più quanto più guadagna, tanto più spende the more he earns, the more he spends6 quanto meno quanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa the less he trains, the more weight he puts on7 per quanto (sebbene) per quanto io l'ammiri however much I admire him, much as I admire him; per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo try as I might, I can't do it8 in quanto (poiché) because; (in qualità di) as; in quanto insegnante as a teacher; in quanto tale as such9 (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regarding; in quanto a voi as for you; non mi ha detto niente quanto all'ora della riunione he didn't say anything to me concerning o about the time of the meeting.————————quanto2/'kwanto/sostantivo m.fis. quantum*. -
60 atender
v.1 to attend to (satisfacer) (petición, ruego).El doctor atendió a Ricardo The doctor attended Richard.La maestra atendió mis súplicas The teacher attended my pleas.2 to look after (cuidar de) (necesitados, invitados).¿le atienden? are you being served?3 to pay attention (estar atento).El alumno atendió y sacó mejor nota The student paid attention and got...4 to take care of, to see after.La esposa atendió a su marido The wife took care of her husband.* * *1 (servir - cliente) to serve, attend to, see to■ ¿ya la atienden a usted? are you being served?2 (cuidar) to take care of, look after3 (negocio) to take care of; (teléfono) to answer4 (consejo, advertencia) to heed, pay attention to; (ruego, deseo, protesta) to attend to; (instrucción) to follow, carry out1 (prestar atención) to pay attention (a, to), attend (a, to)■ atiende, que te concierne a ti pay attention, this concerns you2 (cumplir con) to meet (a, -), fulfil (US fulfill) (a, -)3 (tener en cuenta) to bear in mind\atender por to answer to the name of■ el perro perdido atiende por "Canelo' the dog answers to the name of "Canelo"* * *verb1) to take care of, look after2) attend4) wait on* * *1. VT1) (=ocuparse de)a) [+ asunto] to deal withb) [+ paciente] to look afterestán atendiendo a los animales heridos — they are looking after o seeing to o caring for the injured animals
necesitamos a alguien que atienda a la abuela — we need someone to look after o care for grandma
2) (=recibir) to see3) (Com)a) [+ cliente] [en tienda] to serve; [en oficina] to see¿lo atienden, señor? — are you being served, sir?
siéntese, enseguida la atenderán — take a seat, they'll see you in a minute
b) [+ consulta, negocio, oficina] [como encargado] to run; [como trabajador] to work inatiendo la recepción cuando la secretaria no está — I work in reception o I man the reception desk when the secretary is not there
4) (=prestar atención a) [+ ruego, petición] to respond to, comply with frm; [+ necesidades, demanda] to meet; [+ compromiso, obligación] to fulfil; [+ reclamaciones, protesta, queja] to deal with; [+ aviso, consejo] to heedno atendieron la petición de extraditarlos a España — they did not comply with the request to extradite them to Spain frm
los 25 autobuses son insuficientes para atender la demanda — the 25 buses are not enough to meet the demand
Señor, atiende nuestras súplicas — (Rel) Lord, heed our prayers
5) (Telec) [+ teléfono, llamada] to answer6) (Mec) [+ máquina] to supervise7) LAm (=asistir a) to attend, be present at2. VI1) (=prestar atención) to pay attentionahora, a ver si atendéis, que esto es importante — now, pay attention, this is important
atender a algo/algn — to listen to sth/sb¡tú atiende a lo tuyo! — mind your own business!
atendiendo a — [+ criterio, datos] according to; [+ situación, circunstancias] bearing in mind, consideringse han clasificado en distintos grupos atendiendo a su origen — they have been put into different groups according to their origin
razón 3)atendiendo a las circunstancias, lo recibiré personalmente — given the circumstances, I will see him in person, bearing in mind o considering the circumstances, I will see him in person
2) (=ocuparse de)•
atender a — [+ detalles] to take care of; [+ necesidades, demanda] to meetlo primero que hace es atender al desayuno de los niños — the first thing she does is to see to the kids' breakfast
atender a un giro — to honour o (EEUU) honor a draft
atender a una orden o pedido — (Com) to attend to an order
3) (Com) (=servir) to serve¿quién atiende aquí? — who's serving here?
4)• atender por — to answer to the name of
extraviado caniche blanco; atiende por Linda — lost: white poodle; answers to the name of Linda
5) (Telec) [+ teléfono, llamada] to answer6) (Mec) [+ máquina] to supervise* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( prestar atención) to pay attentionatender a algo/alguien — to pay attention to something/somebody
atiéndeme cuando te hablo — listen to me o pay attention when I'm talking to you
b) ( cumplir con)atender a algo — a compromisos/gastos/obligaciones to meet something
c) (tener en cuenta, considerar)atender a algo: atendiendo a su estado de salud... given his state of health o bearing in mind his state of health...; atendiendo a sus instrucciones — in accordance with your instructions
d) ( prestar un servicio)2) atender por (frml) ( llamarse)2.atender vt1)a) < enfermo>¿qué médico la atiende? — which doctor usually sees you?
¿la están atendiendo? — are you being served?
el Sr Gil no lo puede atender en este momento — I'm afraid Mr Gil can't see you o is unavailable at the moment
2) <consejo/advertencia> to listen to, heed (frml)3.atenderse v pron (AmL)atenderse con alguien: ¿con qué médico se atiende? — which doctor usually sees you?
* * *= cover, serve, take + care of, tend, nurse, meet.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.Ex. This started in 1980, and has around forty members who receive some support to cover telephone charges.Ex. This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.Ex. The matter of bulk is well taken care of by improved microfilm.Ex. The flow of production dependent upon rows of clattering machines tended by tired children.Ex. The author also evokes the story of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus in order to suggest the barbarity of Renaissance Rome.Ex. There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.----* atender a = cater for/to, look after, provide for, cope with, care (about/for), attend to, pay + attention to.* atender a invitados = entertain + guests.* atender a una demanda = cater for/to + interest.* atender a una necesidad = meet + need, speak to + need.* atender a una petición = service + request.* atender las necesidades = provide for + needs.* atender quejas = handle + complaints.* atender una demanda = cater for/to + demand.* atender una necesidad = address + need, cover + requirement, fulfil + requirement, serve + need.* atender una petición de información = satisfy + request for information.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( prestar atención) to pay attentionatender a algo/alguien — to pay attention to something/somebody
atiéndeme cuando te hablo — listen to me o pay attention when I'm talking to you
b) ( cumplir con)atender a algo — a compromisos/gastos/obligaciones to meet something
c) (tener en cuenta, considerar)atender a algo: atendiendo a su estado de salud... given his state of health o bearing in mind his state of health...; atendiendo a sus instrucciones — in accordance with your instructions
d) ( prestar un servicio)2) atender por (frml) ( llamarse)2.atender vt1)a) < enfermo>¿qué médico la atiende? — which doctor usually sees you?
¿la están atendiendo? — are you being served?
el Sr Gil no lo puede atender en este momento — I'm afraid Mr Gil can't see you o is unavailable at the moment
2) <consejo/advertencia> to listen to, heed (frml)3.atenderse v pron (AmL)atenderse con alguien: ¿con qué médico se atiende? — which doctor usually sees you?
* * *= cover, serve, take + care of, tend, nurse, meet.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.Ex: This started in 1980, and has around forty members who receive some support to cover telephone charges.
Ex: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.Ex: The matter of bulk is well taken care of by improved microfilm.Ex: The flow of production dependent upon rows of clattering machines tended by tired children.Ex: The author also evokes the story of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus in order to suggest the barbarity of Renaissance Rome.Ex: There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.* atender a = cater for/to, look after, provide for, cope with, care (about/for), attend to, pay + attention to.* atender a invitados = entertain + guests.* atender a una demanda = cater for/to + interest.* atender a una necesidad = meet + need, speak to + need.* atender a una petición = service + request.* atender las necesidades = provide for + needs.* atender quejas = handle + complaints.* atender una demanda = cater for/to + demand.* atender una necesidad = address + need, cover + requirement, fulfil + requirement, serve + need.* atender una petición de información = satisfy + request for information.* * *atender [E8 ]viA1 (prestar atención) to pay attentionatiende, que esto es importante pay attention, this is importantatender A algo/algn to pay attention TO sth/sblo explicó pero nadie le atendió he explained it but nobody paid any attention to him o paid him any attentionatiéndeme cuando te hablo listen to me o pay attention when I'm talking to you2 (cumplir con) atender A algo to meet sthno atendía a sus obligaciones he was not meeting o fulfilling his obligationsno tiene tiempo para atender a todos sus compromisos she does not have time to fulfill o meet all her commitmentsno pudo atender a sus deberes he was unable to carry out his dutiesno disponemos de recursos para atender a estos gastos we do not have the resources to meet these costsel dinero alcanzará para atender a sus necesidades más urgentes the money will be sufficient to meet their most pressing needs3 (tener en cuenta, considerar) atender A algo:atendiendo a su estado de salud se le hizo pasar enseguida given his state of health o bearing in mind his state of health they let him go straight inlos premios fueron otorgados atendiendo únicamente a la calidad de las obras the prizes were awarded purely on the quality of the worksatendiendo a sus instrucciones/pedido in accordance with your instructions/order4(prestar un servicio): el doctor no atiende los martes the doctor does not see anyone on Tuesdaysen esa tienda/ese restaurante atienden muy mal the service is very bad in that store/restaurantB atender por ( frml)(responder): atiende por (el nombre de) Sinda she answers to the name of Sinda■ atendervtA1 ‹enfermo›¿a usted qué médico la atiende? which doctor usually sees you?, which doctor do you usually see?el médico que atendió a mi madre durante su enfermedad the doctor who treated my mother while she was sicklos atendieron enseguida en el hospital they were seen immediately at the hospitalestá en cama y no tiene quien lo atienda he's laid up in bed and has no one to look after himtiene que haber alguien en casa para atender a los niños someone has to be in the house to take care of o look after the children2 ‹cliente› to attend to, see to; (en una tienda) to serve¿la atienden? are you being served?tienes que sacar número para que te atiendan (en una tienda) you have to take a number and wait your turn; (en una oficina) you have to take a number and wait until you are called o wait to be seenel Sr Romero no lo puede atender en este momento I'm afraid Mr Romero can't see you o is unavailable at the momentno sabe atender a sus invitados he doesn't know how to look after his guests3 ‹asunto› to deal with; ‹llamada› to answer; ‹demanda› to meetnunca atienden el teléfono they never answer the telephoneB ‹consejo/advertencia› to listen to, heed ( frml)( AmL) atenderse CON algn: ¿con qué médico se atiende? which doctor usually sees you?, which doctor do you usually see?* * *
atender ( conjugate atender) verbo intransitivo
atender a algo/algn to pay attention to sth/sb
c) ( prestar un servicio):
en esa tienda atienden muy mal the service is very bad in that store
verbo transitivo
1a) ‹ paciente›:◊ ¿qué médico la atiende? which doctor usually sees you?;
los atendieron enseguida en el hospital they were seen immediately at the hospital;
no tiene quien lo atienda he has no one to look after him
( en tienda) to serve;◊ ¿la están atendiendo? are you being served?
‹ llamada› to answer;
‹ demanda› to meet
2 ‹consejo/advertencia› to listen to
atenderse verbo pronominal (AmL):◊ ¿con qué médico se atiende? which doctor usually sees you?
I verbo transitivo to attend to, help
(una solicitud) to agree to
II vi (escuchar) to pay attention [a, to]
' atender' also found in these entries:
- cuidar
- despachar
- razón
- sacrificar
- atienda
- señorita
- vigilar
- attend to
- cater
- deal with
- man
- minister
- nurse
- pressing
- serve
- answer
- care
- deal
- look
- mind
- reason
- see
- tend
- wait
* * *♦ vt1. [satisfacer] [petición, ruego] to agree to;[consejo, instrucciones] to heed;no pudieron atender sus súplicas they couldn't answer her pleas;atender las necesidades de alguien to meet sb's needs2. [cuidar de] [necesitados, invitados] to look after;[enfermo] to care for; [cliente] to serve;el doctor que atendió al accidentado the doctor who treated the accident victim;¿qué médico te atiende normalmente? which doctor do you normally see?;atiende la farmacia personalmente she looks after the chemist's herself;vive solo y sin nadie que lo atienda he lives alone, without anyone to look after him;¿me puede atender alguien, por favor? could somebody help o serve me, please?;¿lo atienden?, ¿lo están atendiendo? are you being served?;en esta tienda te atienden muy bien the service in this shop is very good;me temo que el director no puede atenderlo en este momento I'm afraid the manager isn't available just now;la operadora atiende las llamadas telefónicas the operator answers the phone calls3. [tener en cuenta] to keep in mind♦ vi1. [estar atento] to pay attention (a to);lo castigaron porque no atendía en clase he was punished for not paying attention in class;¡cállate y atiende de una vez! shut up and pay attention o listen!;no atiendes a las explicaciones que te hacen tus invitados you're not paying attention to what your guests are saying2. [considerar]atendiendo a… taking into account…;atendiendo a las circunstancias, aceptaremos su candidatura under the circumstances, we will accept your candidacy;atendiendo a las encuestas, necesitamos un cambio radical de línea if the opinion polls are anything to go by, we need a radical change of policy;la clasificación atiende únicamente a criterios técnicos the table only takes into account technical specifications, the table is based purely on technical specifications;le enviamos la mercancía atendiendo a su petición following your order, please find enclosed the goods requested;atender a razones: cuando se enfada, no atiende a razones when she gets angry, she refuses to listen to reasonen esta tienda atienden muy mal the service in this shop is very poor;¿quién atiende aquí? who's serving here?el perro atiende por el nombre de Chispa the dog answers to the name of Chispa;su nombre es Manuel, pero en la cárcel atiende por Manu his real name is Manuel, but they call him Manu in jail♦ See also the pronominal verb atenderse* * *I v/t1 a enfermo look after2 en tienda attend to, serveII v/i1 pay attention (a to)2:que atiende por el nombre de … whose name is …; who answers to the name of …* * *atender {56 } vt1) : to help, to wait on2) : to look after, to take care of3) : to heed, to listen toatender vi: to pay attention* * *atender vb2. (en una tienda) to serve¿ya la atienden? are you being served?5. (contestar) to answer¿puedes atender al teléfono? can you answer the phone?
См. также в других словарях:
Good — • The moral good (bonum honestum) consists in the due ordering of free action or conduct according to the norm of reason, the highest faculty, to which it is to conform Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Good Good … Catholic encyclopedia
Any — A ny, a. & pron. [OE. [ae]ni[yogh], [ae]ni, eni, ani, oni, AS. [=ae]nig, fr. [=a]n one. It is akin to OS. [=e]nig, OHG. einic, G. einig, D. eenig. See {One}.] 1. One indifferently, out of an indefinite number; one indefinitely, whosoever or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
good — good1 W1S1 [gud] adj comparative better [ˈbetə US ər] superlative best [best] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(of a high standard)¦ 2¦(skilful)¦ 3¦(what you want)¦ 4¦(pleasant/enjoyable)¦ 5¦(successful/correct)¦ 6¦(suitable)¦ 7¦(useful)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
good — 1 /gUd/ adjective comparative better, superlative best /best/ 1 OF A HIGH STANDARD of a high standard: a good reputation | a good quality cloth | a good Muslim | This book is not as good as her last one. | His test scores were good, but hers were … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
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